Source: National Safety Council
Injury FactsTM
All Unintentional Injuries
The term "unintentional" covers most deaths from injury and poisoning. Excluded are homicides (including legal intervention), suicides, deaths for which none of these categories can be determined, and war deaths.
Total: 92,200
Change from 1997: 0%
Death Ratea: 34.1
Age |
0-4 |
5-14 |
15-24 |
25-44 |
45-64 |
65-74 |
75 + |
Deaths | 2,200 |
2,900 |
12,600 |
24,900 |
17,200 |
9,000 |
23,400 |
Death Rateb | 11.6 |
7.4 |
33.9 |
29.9 |
30.0 |
48.9 |
146.2 |
Motor-Vehicle Accidents
Includes deaths involving mechanically or electrically powered highway-transport vehicles in motion (except those on rails), both on and off the highway or street.
Total: 41,200
Change from 1997: -3%
Death Ratea: 15.2
Age |
0-4 |
5-14 |
15-24 |
25-44 |
45-64 |
65-74 |
75+ |
Deaths | 800 |
1,800 |
9,300 |
13,200 |
8,000 |
3,600 |
4,500 |
Death Rateb | 4.2 |
4.6 |
25.0 |
15.8 |
14.0 |
19.6 |
28.1 |
Includes deaths from falls from one level to another or on the same level. Excludes falls in or from transport vehicles, or while boarding or alighting from them.
Total: 16,600
Change from 1997: +8%
Death Ratea: 6.1
Age |
0-4 |
5-14 |
15-24 |
25-44 |
45-64 |
65-74 |
75+ |
Deaths | 80 |
80 |
240 |
1,000 |
1,700 |
2,000 |
11,500 |
Death Rateb | 0.4 |
0.2 |
0.6 |
1.2 |
3.0 |
10.9 |
71.8 |
Poisoning by solids and liquids
Includes deaths from drugs, medicines, mushrooms, and shellfish, as well as commonly recognized poisons. Excludes poisonings from spoiled foods, salmonella, etc., which are classified as disease deaths.
Total: 8,400
Change from 1997: 0%
Death Ratea: 3.1
Age |
0-4 |
5-14 |
15-24 |
25-44 |
45-64 |
65-74 |
75+ |
Deaths | 30 |
40 |
600 |
5,000 |
2,150 |
270 |
310 |
Death Rateb | 0.2 |
0.1 |
1.6 |
6.0 |
3.8 |
1.5 |
1.9 |
Includes all drownings (work and nonwork) in boat accidents and those resulting from swimming, playing in the water, or falling in. Excludes drownings in floods and other cataclysms, which are classified to the cataclysm.
Total: 4,100
Change from 1997: +8%
Death Ratea: 1.5
Age |
0-4 |
5-14 |
15-24 |
25-44 |
45-64 |
65-74 |
75+ |
Deaths | 500 |
350 |
650 |
1,300 |
700 |
250 |
350 |
Death Rateb | 2.6 |
0.9 |
1.7 |
1.6 |
1.2 |
1.4 |
2.2 |
Fires, burns, and deaths associated with fires
Includes deaths from fires, burns, and from injuries in conflagrations--such as asphyxiation, falls, and struck by falling objects. Excludes burns from hot objects or liquids.
Total: 3,700
Change from 1997: -8%
Death Ratea: 1.4
Age |
0-4 |
5-14 |
15-24 |
25-44 |
45-64 |
65-74 |
75+ |
Deaths | 310 |
260 |
230 |
850 |
800 |
450 |
800 |
Death Rateb | 1.6 |
0.7 |
0.6 |
1.0 |
1.4 |
2.4 |
5.0 |
Suffocation by ingested object
Includes deaths from unintentional ingestion or inhalation of food or other objects resulting in the obstruction of respiratory passages.
Total: 3,200
Change from 1997: +3%
Death Ratea: 1.2
Age |
0-4 |
5-14 |
15-24 |
25-44 |
45-64 |
65-74 |
75+ |
Deaths | 140 |
60 |
60 |
240 |
400 |
600 |
1,700 |
Death Rateb | 0.7 |
0.2 |
0.2 |
0.3 |
0.7 |
3.3 |
10.6 |
Includes unintentional deaths from firearms injuries principally in recreational activities or on home premises. Excludes deaths from explosive material or in war operations.
Total: 900
Change from 1997: -18%
Death Ratea: 0.3
Age |
0-4 |
5-14 |
15-24 |
25-44 |
45-64 |
65-74 |
75+ |
Deaths | 30 |
80 |
310 |
260 |
130 |
40 |
50 |
Death Rateb | 0.2 |
0.2 |
0.8 |
0.3 |
0.2 |
0.2 |
0.3 |
Poisoning by gases and vapors
Mostly carbon monoxide due to incomplete combustion, involving cooking and heating equipment and standing motor vehicles. Excludes deaths in conflagrations, or associated with transport vehicles in motion.
Total: 600
Change from 1997: 0%
Death Ratea: 0.2
Age |
0-4 |
5-14 |
15-24 |
25-44 |
45-64 |
65-74 |
75+ |
Deaths | 10 |
30 |
60 |
200 |
120 |
90 |
90 |
Death Rateb | 0.1 |
0.1 |
0.2 |
0.2 |
0.2 |
0.5 |
0.6 |
All other types
Most important types included are: medical and surgical complications and misadventures, machinery, air transport, water transport (except drownings), mechanical suffocation, and excessive cold.
Total: 13,500
Change from 1997: 0%
Death Ratea: 5.0
Age |
0-4 |
5-14 |
15-24 |
25-44 |
45-64 |
65-74 |
75+ |
Deaths | 300 |
200 |
1,150 |
2,850 |
3,200 |
1,700 |
4,100 |
Death Rateb | 1.6 |
0.5 |
3.1 |
3.4 |
5.6 |
9.2 |
25.6 |
Deaths per 100,000 population.