George M. Haddad
June 4, 2004
In the American Revolution we had our Tories and our Loyalists who were willing advocates of the English continued rule. In WW II Norway had its Quislings and France was infested with Vichies. Since then we here have been infected with collaborators, legal rebels, insurgents, accepted traitors and the 4th estate which in truth is a 5th column. All who have knowingly aided and abetted the enemy. Especially since the Vietnam war our country no longer fully recognizes treason or the job description of a traitor. During and since Roosevelt the socialist and communist minded have infiltrated our government from top to bottom and have held heavy sway in the direction of what was once the Democrat party. During and since Vietnam the un-American forces at work attempting to undermine our country have grown bolder thanks to an absolutely apathetic public. The Democratists became emboldened when they discovered how completely they dominated their colleagues beginning with the war in Vietnam. They found that they could, through the aid of their cohorts in the news, actually determine the results of a war. They found that the American public could be easily swayed and in this discovery were able to recruit more and more followers. Our soldiers won the "skirmishes" in the field but the Democratists won the battle for North Vietnam right here at home. And their treachery went unpunished. On April 18, 2004 in a Detroit News article Tom Sowell pointed out,
In later years, after the communists were firmly in power in Vietnam, they admitted that the Tet offensive was a military disaster for them. The Premier of N. Vietnam stated — "That if it hadn't been for your rebels and collaborators we would have sued for peace but because of them we had too much going for us." General Vo Nguyen Giop, commander of the North Vietnamese forces believed that their war strategy was valid and well grounded and well formulated but not sufficient for victory. He also stated that his military had been hard pressed to being victorious in any battle but they were encouraged to continue since the American troops were being knifed from behind with the cleaver of American public opinion. In an interview which appeared in the Wall Street Journal August 3, 1995, the then Colonel Bui Tin stated frankly "that the key to their victory was the American home front, and that they were encouraged to fight on by all the anti-war demonstrations in the United States." He further acknowledged that "Visits to Hanoi by people like Jane Fonda and former Attorney General Ramsey Clark gave us confidence that we should hold on in the face of battlefield reverses." Today's Democratists, under the temporary leadership of John Kerry, continue to allude to the war in Iraq as "just like Vietnam." Their purpose of course is to demean our country, give the enemy hope, and win the presidential election. They are unwittingly correct. It IS just like Vietnam. Traitors then and traitors today. No difference. Vintage Marx. Subverting our efforts and our country was and is the name of the game. They just pulled out their old and successful play book. The man on the street today who thinks he's a democrat and is following a democrat cause should be challenged with the following:
This is but the tip of the iceberg. We are faced today not with civil differences of opinion but with actual pronounced hatred. An uncommon trait in the history of the American political system. This should not be unexpected since the leftists are now so much in control of the Democratist party and the American citizenry has been so brain washed and desensitized to socialist jargon, they no longer fear what once would have been a citizen backlash. The philosophy of Karl Marx is now unabashedly accepted. Samuel Adams remarked to the traitors of his day — a day which recognized treachery on the home front,
The last half century of dumbing down our education system and its graduates has taken its toll. Not knowing American history and not being able to develop a feel as to the tremendous sacrifices of our forefathers in bringing us to where we are has been an invitation to not taking advantage of its fulfillments, unwittingly repeating its former mistakes and not appreciating fully the wonderment of its unique creation. The democrats who today are ignorantly supporting the democratists must take heed. Open your eyes, listen to what these traitors are saying, re-ignite your beliefs in this the greatest country in the world and act accordingly. |
George M. Haddad has a Bachelors Degree in Sociology and a Masters Degree in Social Administration with extensive work experience with the mentally ill. The former Executive Director - National Institute for Burn Medicine - affiliated with the University of Michigan. He is retired from the National Staff of the YMCA as a troubleshooter in financial management and administration and has worked as a management consultant to non-profit corporations. He has written frequently on medical, social and political issues and has many published articles to his credit. He currently writes from Franklin, Michigan and can be contacted at |
5 jun 2004