from Toogood Reports
Patrick Mallon
May 7, 2002
California Governor Gray Davis is preoccupied with the Oracle scandal, one wherein a now fired Davis campaign official accepted a $25,000 check made out to and deposited in the governor's reelection account, allegedly in exchange for a state-approved 91 million dollar contract, of which 41 million is now deemed by the state auditor as "completely unnecessary." Davis has since replied: "I think most of you people know I am barely on the information on-ramp, much less proficient in technology, so this is not a matter that would come to my attention, nor did it." Sure. Got it. California Superintendent of Public Instruction Delaine Eastin, heads up the stateīs policy-making agenda for the education of 8.7 million students in Californiaīs public schools, K-12. Ms. Eastin has been in this capacity since November, 1998. According to her biography on the California Department of Education website, "The superintendency is a nonpartisan state constitutional office." Though the position is described as "nonpartisan," the reality couldnīt be further from the truth. More on that later. The site continues: "With standards, assessment, and accountability as the cornerstones of her reform program, Eastin has also advocated safe and healthy school environments." Now weīre getting somewhere. To discover what Davis and Eastin mean by "safe schools," we first need to ask: Would you prefer to identify your children by their actual gender, or would you prefer that the state step in and help your children decide for themselves after the governor and the superintendent have properly indoctrinated them? What you are about to read will not only shock you with disclosures forbidden in a marxian press in a marxian state, but may expose the writer to increased surveillance as the truths contained resemble the basis for "hate crime protections" targeted at anyone who does not subscribe to Californiaīs lock-step campaign for homosexual equivalency. In March, 2001, Focus on the Familyīs Dr. James Dobson discussed the serious homosexual threat facing parents and children in Californiaīs public schools. He noted that "Californiaīs Superintendent of Public Instruction, Delaine Eastin, has set up a task force that is going to impose a set of pro-homosexual policies upon Californiaīs schools. These recommendations will require school districts to force acceptance of homosexuality upon teachers and school children." Think for a moment what Dobson said. Pro-homosexual policies dispensed to your child are not OPTIONAL. They are REQUIRED. Am I biased? Yes. I am biased in favor of parents who have the legal right to instruct their children on sexual orientation, not Gray Davis or Delaine Eastin, PERIOD! If I object to their approach on a moral basis, that is my decision, and mine alone. And if this decision is based on a Judeo-Christian value system, so be it. To employ the groundless "separation of church and state" mantra used by multiculturalists, this decision is none of the stateīs darn business. End of story. But the left has a trick for this viewpoint and similar conclusions held by the majority of California parents. Read on. AB 537, the "California Student Safety and Violence Prevention Act" passed in 2000, changed California's Education Code by adding ACTUAL or PERCEIVED sexual orientation and gender identity to the nondiscrimination policy. This law covers ALL non-religious schools that receive any public funding. The state defines "gender" as "a person's actual sex or perceived sex and includes a person's perceived identity, appearance or behavior, whether or not that identity, appearance, or behavior is different from that traditionally associated with a person's sex at birth." Youīve got to be kidding. Since when did ones actual gender become confused with ones perceived gender? I suppose a better question should be: "What community of legal parasites are laughing their fat rear endīs off with the social distortion they scripted, while the rest of us deal with their detritus." Since thatīs an entirely separate subject, letīs move on. With the tacit approval of Davis and Eastin, your child may indeed, contrary to birth records, clothing purchased for either boys or girls, and confusing activities like football and playing house, actually fit within the following state-approved classes: Gay, Lesbian, Transgender, Bisexual, or Queer. Indeed, two hugely influential lobbies maintain a very tight relationship with the governor and the superintendent, and they are out to change the way your children perceive their gender. And what you think not only doesnīt matter to them, it constitutes grounds to accuse you of being homophobic, anti-gay, and bigoted. If these names have already been ascribed to your belief system, join the crowd, numbers are growing. These two organizations are GLAAD, and GLSEN (pronounced as "glisten" to the uninformed: and thatīs most of us). GLAAD is the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. You know, the defamation and vilification I am involved in here, describing the truth about their activities. Here is what GLAADīs official website has to say about their objectives: "It is clear that the courts, the legislature, the Department of Education and lots of local school administrations are behind us 100 percent." GLSEN is the Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network. GLSEN says this about AB537: "Governor Davis has not only sent a message that lesbian, gay, and bisexual students will be safe in Californiaīs schools, heīs sent a strong message that policy leaders everywhere can no longer afford to ignore discrimination and harassment leveled against these students." I donīt know about you, but that sounds like a threat. Am I reading too much into these connections? Consider this: California ranks 47th out of 50 states in academic achievement and scholastic excellence. 8.7 million students, a number that dwarfs entire state populations, are being indoctrinated as part of a social engineering project that seeks not only to dramatically alter student value systems, but actually force them to question whether their gender is legitimate or not. Rather than prioritize English, Math and Science in preparation for the life-changing opportunities afforded those who score highly in SATīs and GPAīs for elite college entry, Davis, Eastin, and others like State Senator Sheila Kuehl instead arrogantly, and with no apparent opposition, focus their energies on sexual identity, a subject that rightly belongs to parents and parents alone. This arbitrary initiative, with no overt voter backing, creates in essence an entire class of minority subjects, lucrative litigants, and yet another victim class. What they are doing is astonishing in its scope and intent. It is so dramatic and all encompassing that most people refuse to believe itīs happening. The denial alone is one of the main ingredients for the largely unnoticed agenda advancement. Like a juggernaut, those who do notice, but have no outlet for an effective voice in opposition, are frustrated by a marxian press that scorns the issue. Teachers have tried to oppose the policies, and risked their reputations, and jobs. Both of these "captains" has their assigned function. For instance, Eastin, previously a Democratic assemblywoman from Fremont, was accused in 1998 of "running out the clock" in implementation of Proposition 227, the English-only initiative passed overwhelmingly by a 61% voter margin. Then governor Pete Wilson criticized Eastin over what he perceived as her failure to move with sufficient dispatch against school districts opposed to the governor's English-only testing plan. Ironically, what Eastin wonīt admit is that it was in fact immigrant parents who in 1996 began a public boycott of Ninth Street Elementary in Los Angeles after the school administration refused to allow their children to be taught English, that prompted the 227 movement. Perhaps Ms. Eastinīs goals differ with the English-proficiency demands of Latino parents who want their children to compete for real jobs, rather than toil in the fields. And what has the "education governor" (as he calls himself) done to captain his end of the deal? Davis has endorsed the National Education Association, which is poised to pass a resolution calling for educational materials to meet the needs of "gays, lesbians, bisexual and transgender [cross-dressing] students." Almost forgot. Regarding the supposed "non-partisanship" of the office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. Ms. Eastinīs 36-member advisory task force, billing itself as a champion of "diversity" is stacked with gay activists such as the Lavender Youth Recreation and Information Center (LYRIC) as well as more "mainstream" outfits like GLSEN and the National Education Association Gay and Lesbian Caucus. There is a deep and nefarious tongue of deceit enveloping this state. The term "safety" is a laughably dishonorable social cover for material intentions. Years ago, Aesopīs Fables were a classroom standard, modeling honesty, mercy, truth, justice, wisdom, commitment, and other virtues for children to emulate. See if you can locate a copy in California K-12, in a place other than on the list of banned literature. Sadly, our silent, non-action becomes an endorsement of all we say we oppose. The only truth is that there are no universal truths; the only absolute is that all things are relative. In concert with a complicit mainstream (darn it, thereīs that word again) media, intent on prohibiting coverage of the information you read in this column, be sure that Davis is indeed on the "information on-ramp" with respect to your childīs sexual identity. And Ms. Eastin? Sheīd just as soon your child learn the value of cross-dressing, rather than have the English skills required to figure out the difference. |
Toogood Reports contributor and "Best of the Web" award-winning writer Patrick Mallon is a concerned and vigilant conservative who revels in, and lives for uncovering anti-American, anti-Judeo Christian lies and exposing "liberals on the run". He is dedicated to empowering fainthearted conservatives who are intimidated by the vacuous free-speech intolerance of the politically correct thought police on the left. Now, 10 years recovered, Patrick was an active campaign volunteer for Jerry Brown in the 1992 "Brown for President" campaign and saw first-hand each superficial and hypocritical premise of liberalism fall under the weight of factual examination and objective truth. E-mail Patrick your thoughts, comments and ideas for future reports at . |
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8 may 2002