Gerald L. Rowles, Ph.D.
August 6, 2001
Does DHHS stand for "DUH!"? One has to wonder. The Washington Times reported August 5 that DHHS is still trying to figure out what causes child abuse, and how it can be relieved. Of course, the bureaucratic mindset first proclaims that it just requires more money — 2.6 $Billion to be exact — needed to fund more investigators, and training for existing troops. Professor Richard J. Gelles, a professor of family violence at the Social Work School, University of Pennsylvania, thinks "CAPTA (Children Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act) could be more effective if social-worker training was improved, and if children and families were monitored more closely." Uh, pardon me professor Gelles ... what exactly is it that the UP Social Work School trains them to do? Gosh, isn't that your job?
Pardon me, Mr. expert Wilson, does anybody know exactly how much of the taxpayer's dollars are currently being appropriated to fund Child Protective Services (DHHS-CPS)? The last time I checked, it was extremely difficult to nail that figure down, but the best estimate I could conjure was about 285 $Billion.
Let me ask another question, Mr. expert Wilson. To which "incidence / capacity" are you referring? Is it the actual incidence of child abuse, or the rate of reports of child abuse? According to the 1994 NCANDS report (DHHS — National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System), 86% of all allegations of abuse were unsubstantiated. Crunching the numbers, it turns out that 99.1% of American children are not victims of abuse. That leaves about 610,000 children at the mercy of DHHS/CPS determinations — maybe. Because DHHS interprets each report of child abuse as an individual case, it could also be that 100,000 children are being reported as abused 6 times. It is also true that if one child suffers multiple forms of abuse, those are also counted as individual reports. If even one child is brutalized, we must make an effort to intervene; unquestionably. But what if the effort is ineffectual? If we really are talking about 600,000 individual cases here, that means that the reported current $5,200,000,000.00 expenditure allocates slightly less than $9000.00 per child victim. Let's say that the average CPS Social Worker is paid an average annual salary of $35,000.00. Then let's cut that figure in half to pay for buildings and supervisory staff. Does that mean that the demands of individual cases are so great that each worker can only attend to two victims per year? I'm confused. Are those books I smell cooking? Now here comes the real tough question. If there was a single solution that would eliminate sixty percent of child abuse would anyone at DHHS want to hear about it? Apparently not, because the solution I speak of is the intact biological family. The potential for abuse is grossly reduced when a child is living in an intact family with both of their biological parents. Three decades of research provide consistent outcomes, no matter how old or how fresh. And as any social science researcher will tell you, it is replicability (repeated same or similar outcomes) that determine "hardiness" of data. Here are some extremely hardy data:
In 1965, Senator Patrick Moynihan was condemned for his observation of the consequences of family breakdown:
There you go again DHHS: Intact, biological families. There's the answer again, and you don't owe me one copper penny. Can you hear it? |
Gerald L. Rowles, Ph.D.
[Clinical Psychology] is the founder and president of the DA*DI [Dads Against the Divorce
Industry] an educational forum for responsible fatherhood. Since founding DA*DI in 1994,
he has been devoted to researching, advising and disseminating information on the issues
that he believes threaten to engulf and diminish the American culture; the same issues
that are driving the divorce industry and the deconstruction of the family and fatherhood.
11 aug 2001