Viewing our fellow citizens we frequently find ourselves shaking our collective heads in disbelief at their attitudes and opinions. At such times it would do some good to recognize the disparity in historical reference points each generation employs in the formation of their ideas. Each succeeding generation has experienced "defining" events that shape their thoughts, opinions, and expectations. The retired WWII veteran's frame of reference is quite unlike that of today's thirty-something up and comers, and theirs is unlike those of their baby-boom parents. So it should be no surprise when these groups reach divergent answers to today's problems and adversities. Bear in mind these differences are among Americans. A people with a common language and heritage. It then should also follow that it is the height of hubris for anyone to state with certainty that they know or understand what is going on in the minds of foreign leaders or their citizens. It just is not possible. Doing so reveals their inner arrogance towards others and their elitist, self-righteousness. Let's take a look at the reference points the latest crop of the "best and the brightest" bring to the table. Annually, Beloit College in Wisconsin puts together an information sheet to remind faculty of the mindset of its incoming freshmen class. [Please see below] Here are some facts about the next generation:
The Beloit College
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