29nov24 |
Reality is Setting in, and
That's 'Strange' to the Washington Post
David Blackmon
You almost have to feel a little sorry for the
adherents to the dogma preached by the Global Church of Climate Alarm™.
Almost. After all, look at how their fantasy world in which you can use
a trace element in the atmosphere made up of human carbon emissions as
a kind of global thermostat is coming crashing down around them. |
20nov24 |
The Tide Is Turning Against the
Green Elites
Joel Kotkin
It is the global climate-change conference
that no one cares about. The latest United Nations (UN) ‘conference of
the parties’, otherwise known as COP29, is currently being hosted in
oil-rich, authoritarian Azerbaijan. Not many political heavy-hitters
have decided to attend but assorted elites, grifters and media have
attended hoping it will bring them more financial manna from heaven. |
4nov24 |
Alaska Court:
Climate Change Can’t Justify Giant Habitat for Seals
Bonner Cohen, Ph. D.
In her Sept. 26 decision, U.S. District Court
Judge Sharon Gleason delivered a stunning setback to the National
Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), quashing the agency’s 12-year quest to
rope off an area larger than the State of Texas from oil and gas
development along with crippling the area’s fishing industry and
interfering with commercial shipping lanes. Once an area has been
designated as critical habitat under the ESA, strict land- and
water-use restrictions come into play that can hamstring commercial
development. The critical habitat designation sought by the Biden
administration included large swaths of the Bering Sea, Chukchi Sea,
and Beaufort Sea. |
22oct24 |
The Problem with Solar
It's basically free – but at the same time it's hideously expensive.
What gives?
Quico Toro & Guido
You may ... have heard – though not as loudly
– that a renewables-only grid would be outrageously expensive. So much
so that nobody’s ever managed it. The technology just isn’t there for
it. Solar power works where taxpayers kick in fat subsidies, otherwise
forget it. |
20oct24 |
Peer-Reviewed Study: CO2 Emissions
Have Zero Impact on Global Temperatures
WorldTribune Staff
Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in the
atmosphere have no impact on the Earth’s global temperatures, according
to a peer-reviewed scientific study. The study, published in Science
Direct, concludes that even though most publications attempt
to depict a catastrophic future for the planet due to an increase in
CO2, there is serious doubt that this is, in fact, the case. |
14aug24 |
Batteries and
Energy Storage
Maybe batteries aren't the best way to store energy
Francis Turner
There are three basic use cases for batteries
and they are quite different. That means that there may be different
ways to get the benefits required. What are these use cases?
1. powering (generally small / portable) electric/electronic
2. storing power from intermittent sources like wind to meet
general electrical demand
3. moving things (cars, trains, planes etc.) |
11aug24 |
We Are Wasting $2 Trillion a Year
Chasing 'green' Fantasies
Bjorn Lomborg
Despite much hype, the much-vaunted green
energy transition away from fossil fuels isn’t happening. Achieving a
meaningful shift with current policies turns out to be unaffordable. We
need to drastically change policy direction. Globally, we are already
spending almost $2 trillion annually to try to force an energy
transition. Over the past decade, solar and wind energy use has
increased to their highest-ever levels. |
19jul24 |
Fiberglass From Shredded Wind
Turbine Blades
Renders Farming Land Useless
Farmers foolish enough to enter contracts with
wind power outfits soon live to regret it. Having their land
permanently contaminated by shredded fiberglass when turbines explode
into balls of flame and/or their blades merely disintegrate (known in
the trade as “component liberation”) is just one of a list of disasters
waiting to happen. At first blush, being paid an annual license fee of
$10-25,000 per turbine, per year sounds lucrative enough. However, put
that against the $600,000 plus cost of demolishing and removing a
single turbine, and the deal soon loses its gloss. Indeed, the ultimate
multi-million-dollar cost of removing dozens of turbines from a farming
property, makes the piddling revenue stream look like chump change. |

10jul24 |
How to Commit Global Suicide:
End Fossil Fuels Without a Suitable Replacement
Ronald Stein and Gregory Wrightstone
The world now sustains eight billion people –
ten times the population before the Industrial Revolution, and
thankfully has experienced record crop production. This rapid increase
in agricultural output is partially attributable to an increase in
atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) since 1940. This rise in CO2 levels
alone is linked to major yield increases for corn, soybeans, and wheat.
The world has also experienced significant economic growth and
prosperity, benefiting from the more than 6,000 products that are
derived from fossil fuels. |
27may24 |
The EV Battery 'Catch-22'
Lauren Jessop
While setting aggressive goals for electric
vehicle market share, the Biden administration also wants tariffs and
or restrictions on the importation of vehicles and the minerals needed
for their batteries – creating heightened concerns over supply chains
in what can be described as a “Catch-22” situation. In his e-book, “The
EV Transition Explained,” Robert Charette, longtime systems engineer,
and contributing editor for IEEE Spectrum, says making the transition
is harder than anyone thinks. He recently told The Center Square it is
truer now than it ever was. “None of this is simple,” he said. |
22feb24 |
As Climate ‘science’ Collapses, the
Biden Administration
Doubles Down on It for Racial Purposes
Andrea Widburg
The “climate change” panic is predicated on
computer models, which are useful for finite projects, such as
calculating metal stress, designing a chair, or building dental
prosthetics. However, for something as complex as the Earth’s climate,
with its infinite variables, the only constant for computer models is
GIGO (“garbage in, garbage out”). A new report about a major failure in
these models -- misunderstanding water vapor input -- proves this
point. The report was published just as Richard Levine, the sexual
fetishist at HHS, put out a video using “climate change” to stir up
racial division, thereby highlighting what “climate change” is really
about: Power. |
3feb24 |
Energy Bills Must Rise to Pay for
Net Zero,
Says Siemens Energy Boss
The German boss of Britain’s biggest wind
turbine maker has warned energy bills will have to keep rising to pay
for the green transition as he attacked “fairytale” thinking about net
zero. Joe Kaeser, chairman of Siemens Energy, suggested higher energy
bills were inevitable as turbine makers grapple with huge losses,
forcing them to pass on costs to their customers. Mr Kaeser told The
Telegraph: “Every transformation comes at a cost and every
transformation is painful. And that’s something which the energy
industry and the public sector – governments – don’t really want to
hear. |
2feb24 |
Climate and Energy
Fantasy and Tyranny
Paul Driessen
It’s mystifying and terrifying that our lives,
livelihoods, and living standards are increasingly dictated by
activist, political, bureaucratic, academic, and media ruling elites,
who disseminate theoretical nonsense, calculated myths, and outright
disinformation. Not only on pronouns, gender and immigration -- but on
climate change … and energy, the foundation of modern civilization and
life spans. We’re constantly told the world will plunge into an
existential climate cataclysm if average planetary temperatures rise
another few tenths of a degree due to using fossil fuels for reliable,
affordable energy, raw materials for over 6,000 vital products, and
lifting billions out of poverty, disease and early death. |
20jan24 |
Energy Information Has Never
Mattered More –
So It’s Time to Reform the IEA
Mark P. Mills
The International Energy Agency (IEA) turns 50
this year. Doubtless there will be champagne-infused celebrations at
its Paris headquarters. But on this side of the Atlantic, it’s past
time for the United States, the biggest source of that agency’s
funding, to rethink the IEA’s role. To be blunt: the U.S. should
suspend payments to the IEA until it has been restructured in a fashion
suitable for the times. There’s plenty of precedent for such an action,
from both sides of the aisle. |
11dec23 |
The Crippling Economic
Costs of Green Energy Subsidies
Jonathan Lesser
the IRA, the lion’s share of subsidies will be paid to wind and solar
developers. The subsidies will not expire until electric industry
carbon emissions fall by at least 75% below 2005 levels, after which
they will gradually decrease. Even the most optimistic forecasts
prepared by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) show that
this will not occur until at least 2046. Thus, the subsidies for wind
and solar will continue unabated for decades. In total, the subsidies
will far exceed what the U.S. government spent in today’s dollars to
combat the Great Depression. |
2nov23 |
The Cost of Covering American Roads
with EVs is
Raising Some Big Speed Bumps
Kevin Killough
With the passage of the Inflation Reduction
Act in 2022, the federal government boosted tax credits, hoping to help
American consumers wary of the higher sticker prices for electric
vehicles (EVs) to warm up to them. In a further push, in May of this
year, the EPA proposed emissions standards on new vehicles that are
designed to make 60% of all new vehicle sales to be electric powered by
2030. While the automakers were on board with the transition, American
consumers weren’t so committed. |
31oct23 |
Experts Say 50 Million Miles of New
Power Lines Needed for
Green Energy, and That May Be Impossible
Kevin Killough
It's one thing to try and replace fossil fuels
with wind and solar power, but experts are saying the generation of
power is only half the battle, and that the problems in getting that
power to Americans may be insurmountable. A new report from the
International Energy Agency (IEA) concludes that
the size of the global electricity grid will need to double by 2040, in
order to reach global emission reductions targets in line with the
Paris Agreement. [6-pg PDF] |
16oct23 |
Six Ways Renewables Increase Electricity Bills
Paul Homewood
new paper from the Net Zero Watch demonstrates conclusively renewables
increase electricity bills – indeed, it is almost impossible that
adding a new windfarm to the grid would ever reduce consumer prices.
"In order to reduce bills, a new generator generally has to force an
old one to leave the electricity market – otherwise there are two sets
of costs to cover. But with wind power, you can’t let anything leave
the market, because one day there might be no wind." |
24aug23 |
Climate Money Machine
William Happer, professor emeritus in
physics at Princeton University, and Richard Lindzen, professor
emeritus of atmospheric science at Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Asked why there would be a need to censor, alter, and cherry-pick data
to support the global warming narrative, Mr. Lindzen said “Because it’s
a hoax.” Mr. Clauser said of the climate consensus, “We are totally
awash in pseudoscience.” |
18aug23 |
Delusional Groupthink Drives
Obsession with
Chaotically Intermittent Wind & Solar
As in life, government policy is about
trade-offs, which usually means plumping for the good rather than the
perfect. However, in the de-industrialising West, energy policy is all
about rejecting the good in favour of the unworkable. The notion that
weather-dependent wind, and weather and sunshine-dependent solar (with
or without pumped hydro or mythical mega-batteries) will soon provide
all of our power needs is nothing short of delusional. |
24jul23 |
Panels Don’t Really Help the Environment,
but They Do
Help Our Enemies
The Biden administration has sunk billions of
taxpayer dollars into “renewable” energy, but a new report won’t
surprise Americans who’ve read any honest research on solar panels. It
reveals that the panels are nearly as carbon-intensive as natural gas.
Not only that, investment in solar benefits America’s number one enemy:
China. |
23jul23 |
Casts Doubt on Electric Vehicles' Climate, Cost Benefits:
Achieve the Goals Intended'
A new report published by the Manhattan
Institute threw cold water on the purported climate and cost benefits
of electric vehicles (EVs) widely touted by lawmakers and automakers.
Overall, the rapid electrification of the U.S. transportation sector
would increase consumer costs, make the electric grid more vulnerable
to blackouts, threaten national security and may not even lead to fewer
greenhouse gas emissions, according to the paper titled "Electric
Vehicles for Everyone? The Impossible Dream" and authored by Manhattan
Institute senior fellow Mark Mills. |
18jul23 |
Vehicles for Everyone?
Impossible Dream
Mark P.
Mills, Senior Fellow Manhattan Institute
Few doubt, even if some lament, the centrality
of the automobile in modern society. For more than
a century, policymakers have encouraged, facilitated, regulated, and
taxed the production and use of automobiles. But now, policies
unprecedented in scope and consequence are planned to ban the sale of
the type of vehicle that 99% of people use – that is, vehicles powered
by an internal combustion engine (ICE). Instead, government policies
are being launched to mandate, directly and indirectly, electric
vehicles (EVs) [48-page PDF] |
17apr23 |
Legalized Climate Grifting
Paul Driessen
have long fascinated us. Operating outside accepted moral standards,
they excel at persuading their “marks” to hand valuables over
willingly. If they ever represented a “distinctly American ethos,”
they’ve been supplanted by con artists seeking bank accounts for funds
abandoned by Nigerian princes. However, they were all pikers compared
to the billion-dollar stratagems being carried off by Climate
Armageddon grifters like Bill Gates, Al Gore, Elon Musk and Biden
Climate Envoy John Kerry. |
22mar23 |
Why Wind and Solar Will Never Work
John Hinderaker
amounts of money are being made by "green" fraudsters, utilities and
politicians who tell us we are in the midst of a transition from fossil
fuels to wind and solar energy. In fact, no such transition is
underway; fossil fuel consumption is higher than ever. And no such
transition will take place, ever, either in America or anywhere else in
the world. Why? Because wind and solar are both obsolete technologies.
They produce electricity less than one-half of the time, a fact that
will never change. How can we run a modern economy on intermittent
energy sources? We can't. |
5feb23 |
The Futility of Wind Energy
Extreme temperature = calm wind = no wind energy.
Mike Smith
the thing: If someone had taken a magic wand and instantly tripled the
number of wind turbines in Kansas and Oklahoma this morning, it
wouldn't have made any difference. Calm winds mean no electricity. The
problem was not confined to the USA. This morning, I learned of a wind
farm that produced negative wind energy for two days in
Canada. Really! |
11jan2023 |
Cause and Contributing Factors of
Failure of Geared Wind Turbines
[Understanding the mechanics of wind turbines]
Metropolitan Engineering Consulting
& Forensics (MEC&F)
yesterday [Oct. 7, 2014] Siemens announced that the wind projects are
not viable without heavy government subsidies. The failure of the
bearings located within the gearbox is the most significant problem
associated with the turbines This year, Siemens, a main manufacturer of
wind turbines, reported a charge of 48 million Euros for inspecting and
replacing defective main bearings in some onshore wind turbines.
Structural and mechanical failures (which can result in a tower
collapse) are primarily due to control system errors and lack of
effective maintenance.
5dec22 |
The Tories’ Wind Power Delusion
Matt Ridley
that onshore wind is cheap come thick and fast from politicians in
thrall to the most well oiled of crony-capitalist industries, the wind
merchants. The claims are not supported by the accounts of onshore wind
farms, which indicate a breakeven cost of around £80/MWh for the very
cheapest farms. Wind farm accounts also show that this cost is rising,
not falling, presumably due to such grid constraints, the fact that the
best sites have gone, and the rising costs of steel, concrete, copper
and neodymium making new machines pricier. Yet even £80/MWh is nearly
double the cost of gas-fired power at the long-term average price of
gas. |
13nov22 |
Why Green Energy Is Not Green At All
Viv Forbes
policies are destroying the natural environment and changing local
weather. This is part of a futile U.N. scheme claiming to
the climate of the world. All green energy degrades its environment.
Green energy is very dilute -- thus, large areas of land are needed to
collect wind and solar energy. Even more land is cleared for
ugly spider webs of power lines and roads needed to collect green
energy in dribs and drabs and conduct it to cities, where it is
needed. But for most of the time, every day, these expensive
assets produce nothing useful. |
8aug22 |
About that 'Greenhouse Gas'
Clarice Feldman
you write a news story about a significant piece of legislation relying
heavily on its proponents – or worse, your own ideological interests –
you are likely to overstate their victory. That is precisely what the
New York Times did when it contended recently that the misnamed
Inflation Reduction Act explicitly [gave] the EPA the authority to
regulate greenhouse gases: |
27jul22 |
and Hybrid Cars Are Getting Plenty of Buzz – Is It Really Organic
Popular Interest, and Are EVs Feasible for Most Citizens?
I. S. Petersen
almost a year, the Colorado Energy Office has been funding a campaign
essentially lobbying directly to citizens to buy electric cars. The
hype is there. The optimistic forecasts about the EV market are there.
But is the EV – as is, in 2022 – a reality-based solution for most
Colorado citizens? |
27jul22 |
The Green Dream: Zero-Emission
Vehicles Big Lie
Katie Spence
term “zero-emission vehicles” sounds inspiring, but in reality, that
term is far from true. Indeed, when someone says “zero-emission
vehicles,” he or she is talking about what’s coming out of the
tailpipe, not the vehicle’s entire lifecycle. When you look at its
entire manufacturing cycle, you’ll find battery electric vehicles
(BEVs) aren’t anywhere near “zero-emissions.” Why? Because simply
manufacturing a lithium-ion battery produces an additional 10,000 to
40,000-carbon debt compared to internal combustion engine vehicles
(ICEVs). |
30may22 |
The Day the Electricity Died
Frank Lasee
one of your kids freezing to death in your home. Eleven-year-old
Cristian Pineda's mother found her son dead during the Texas blackout
in February 2021. Or you have a power outage for three days, losing a
couple of hundred dollars worth of food because your refrigerator
didn’t work, as Michelle Jones did last summer. The food she had just
bought to feed herself, her daughter, and her granddaughter spoiled
without electricity. This is likely to become all too common in the
future. Why? |
2apr22 |
The Great Green Lie: Wind &
Solar Aren’t Saving the Planet,
They’re Wrecking It
touting their purported environmental credentials, the crony
capitalists, rent-seekers and fawning advocates never take into account
any of the associated costs. At the heart of economics is the need to
account for all costs and weigh them against any purported benefits. |
9mar22 |
Ever Wonder Why Our Leftist
Government is
Intent on Putting Us in Electric Cars?
Dr. Jay Lehr and Tom Harris
of its [the Biden Admin.] strategies has escaped even the most
conservative of thinkers. It is the promotion of the electric
automobile. They well know, as we will show in the following
paragraphs, that the nation’s roads can never be crowded with electric
cars. There is not now, nor ever will there be, sufficient electric
power for us to travel hither and yon with battery-powered vehicles.
So, who decides who gets what electricity will be available? |
9mar22 |
The Electric Vehicle Scam
Dr. Jay Lehr and Tom Harris
utility companies have thus far had little to say about the alarming
cost projections to operate electric vehicles (EVs) or the increased
rates that they will be required to charge their customers. It is not
just the total amount of electricity required but the transmission
lines and fast charging capacity that must be built at existing filling
stations. Neither wind nor solar can support any of it. Electric
vehicles will never become the mainstream of transportation! |
4feb22 |
How Green Energy Fantasies Can
Amplify Civil Unrest
Chuck DeVore
that make energy scarce and expensive, promoted by wealthy elites,
result in domestic unrest while diminishing a nation’s ability to
vigorously pursue its national interests. Since 2011, this has been the
case in Egypt, France, Kazakhstan, Germany, and others. Even California
and Texas are grappling with similar problems. |
30jan22 |
Assessing Virginia’s Hidden Wind
and Solar Costs
Paul Driessen
Governor Glenn Youngkin’s first actions was Executive Order #9
initiating Virginia’s withdrawal from the Regional Greenhouse Gas
Initiative, the Northeastern U.S. “carbon market” that sets and
enforces emission limits for coal and gas power plants. RGGI also lets
utilities buy “carbon credits” when emissions exceed those limits,
passing costs on to families, businesses, hospitals and schools.
Special interests will contest withdrawal, but the EO sets the proper
tone for reforming Virginia’s energy system. |
21jan22 |
The Global Warming Question That
Can Change People’s Minds
Selwyn Duke
last year, I got into a discussion with a fellow who was quite sold on
the idea that man’s activities were warming the Earth. While not a
hardcore ideologue, it was apparent the gentleman had accepted the
climate change narrative presented by mainstream media and believed we
truly were imperiling the planet. I didn’t say much to him initially,
as we were engaged in some recreation, but later on I resurrected the
topic and told him I just wanted to pose one question. |
28jul21 |
Climate ‘Scare Story’ Began with
Far-Left Ideology:
Greenpeace Co-Founder
co-founder Dr. Patrick Moore explains why the drive for zero emissions
is unattainable and backs up what TYSK and others have been claiming
for over two decades now about the agendas and lies promoted by those
gaming government and the public over 'climate' and the environment. |
29jun21 |
With Its Power Grid Under Pressure,
California Asks Residents to Avoid Charging Electric Vehicles
the past week, the California Independent System Operator (ISO) told
residents several times to voluntarily conserve energy, including
asking them on social media to stop charging their electric vehicles
(EVs) during peak usage times. The operator also warned users to
“[avoid] use of large appliances and turning off extra lights.” |
14may21 |
International Energy Agency Report
Shows That Green Energy Transition is a Fantasy Because of Dependence
on Key Rare Minerals
Thomas Lifson
prestigious intergovernmental organization created by the world’s
advanced economies is pointing out the bottleneck in the plans to
substitute so-called green energy for hydrocarbon-based energy: the
availability of key minerals necessary for battery storage, wind farms,
solar panels, and other gizmos necessary for the switchover. Simply
put: the world can’t provide the quantity of those minerals that would
be necessary, and the environmental and social impact of trying to mine
them in sufficient quantities would be devastating. The cure, in other
words, is worse than the disease. |
28apr21 |
Green is the New Red
John Eidson
Climategate cheating scandal exposed the man-made global warming theory
for what it is: the most brazen scientific hoax in human history, an
international collusion to destroy capitalism in the worlds largest
capitalist nation to pave the way for that nations sovereignty being
handed over to a global governing authority run by the United Nations.
That is a serious charge on my part, so please allow me to justify it... |
11apr21 |
Cities, Countries, and Economies
Were Built With
Derivatives from Oil, Not by Electricity
Ronald Stein
world leaders move too fast to consummate their climate policies, they
need to be cognizant of two “aha” moments: 1) wind and solar can only
generate intermittent electricity, and 2) electricity cannot
manufacture the oil derivatives that are the basis of the thousands of
products that have built the world’s cities, countries, and economies
over the last 200 years. |
4apr21 |
Wind Turbines Don't Like Cold
Jack Dini
Littlejohn points out in the UK there are days when the contribution of
the forests of wind turbines had been precisely nothing. As the
temperature plummeted, the turbines have had to be heated to prevent
them seizing up. Consequently, they had been consuming more electricity
than they generated. Even on a good day they rarely worked above a
quarter of their theoretical capacity. And in high winds they had to be
switched off altogether to prevent damage. |
2apr21 |
It Takes Big Energy to Back Up
Little Wind and Solar
Design is Complex and One Number is Obvious but Always Hidden
David Wojick
least it’s painful (and terribly inconvenient) to advocates of wind and
solar power – which may be why we never hear about it, why it too often
gets deliberately hidden from view. It is a big, bad number. The
minimum backup requirement is how much generating capacity a system
must have if it is to reliably produce the electricity we need when
wind and solar don’t. For most places, the magnitude of MBR is very
simple. It is all the juice needed on the hottest or coldest low wind
nights. It is night, so there is no solar. |
20mar21 |
EV Subsidies, Fantasies and
Realities -- Electric Vehicles Are Trendy but Not Very Earth-friendly,
Affordable or Emission-Free
Paul Driessen
may be synonymous with electric vehicles right now. But within a few
years, GM, Volvo and many other manufacturers will be making mostly or
only EVs, because they’re emission-free, climate-friendly, socially and
ecologically responsible, and more affordable every year. Which
explains why we need subsidies to persuade people to buy them, and
mandates to force people to buy them. |
3jan21 |
New York Can't Buy Its Way Out of
Coming Blackouts
David Wojick, PhD
York City will soon be home to the world's biggest industrial-scale
battery system. It's designed to back up the city's growing reliance on
intermittent "renewable" electricity. At 400 megawatt-hours (MWh)...
When it comes to the scale needed to reliably back up unreliable
pretend-renewable electricity generation – and keep business, industry,
social media and civilization functioning – New York's and America's
policy makers need to start living in the Real World. Otherwise
blackouts will become common. |
4dec20 |
Sheldon Whitehouse's Climate
Inquisition Continues
years ago, I said Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) behaves like
Torquemada, using Inquisition-like tactics to harass "manmade climate
crisis" skeptics, and threatening to prosecute them for racketeering.
He recently said Democrat control of the Senate would enable him and
his colleagues to launch investigations, haul climate realists before
committees (for star-chamber show trials), and even employ grand juries
and criminal prosecutions – to intimidate, silence and punish climate
crisis nonbelievers. |
28oct20 |
Wind Turbines Generate Mountains of
Blade Waste Alone Proves Wind is No More Green Than Solar
Duggan Flanakin
and wind energy opportunists (entrepreneurs who take advantage of
overly generous tax credits and multiple other subsidies) want you to
believe wind energy is as pure “green” as newly driven snow is white,
and as cheap as Taco Bell. They never tell you about the costs -- or
the environmental destruction -- that they have hidden from you for
decades. |
3jun20 |
the Environment to Save It
Paul Driessen
I hear that some community, company or country is going to implement
“clean” energy or “clean” economy programs – to eliminate “dangerous”
carbon dioxide emissions and “save the planet” – I think of the iconic
Vietnam War era quotation, “We had to destroy the village in order to
save it.” The Al Gore / Michael Mann equivalent of course is, “We had
to destroy the environment in order to save it.” |
17may20 |
The Real Climate Science Deniers
Paul Driessen
alarmists rarely lose an opportunity to brand as "science deniers"
anyone who questions the mantra of "manmade climate cataclysms." But
when they are confronted with irrefutable science, history and
archeology those alarmists ignore the science or become unhinged in
their denunciations of anyone who would dare to mention such
inconvenient truths. |
15feb20 |
'Green' Buses Really Pass The Green Test?
Duggan Flanakin
is seriously committed to "eco-friendly" battery-electric buses,
employing mandate, subsidies and rewards to encourage a switch from
gasoline, diesel and natural gas-powered buses. California, Maine, and
other U.S. states and cities are following suit. Driving much of the
U.S. shift is the belief that electric buses avoid "climate altering"
gases, at least once they're on the road. |
27nov19 |
The Toxic Pandora's Box of Solar
Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh
solar energy advocates, who only see cheap electricity with
rose-colored glasses, are oblivious to the reality of cost, toxic
chemicals, environmental pollution, and health hazards to humans and
animals. Here are some immediate concerns about solar panels. |
12jul19 |
The "New Energy Economy": An
Exercise in Magical Thinking
Why Wind and Solar Will Never Work
Mark P. Mills – Manhattan Institute
movement has been growing for decades to replace hydrocarbons, which
collectively supply 84% of the world’s energy. It began with the fear
that we were running out of oil. That fear has since migrated to the
belief that, because of climate change and other environmental
concerns, society can no longer tolerate burning oil, natural gas, and
coal – all of which have turned out to be abundant. |
17may19 |
Inconvenient Energy Fact: It Takes
79 Solar Workers to
Produce Same Amount of Electric Power as One Coal Worker
Mark J. Perry
In a New York Times
article reporter Nadja Popovich wrote that “Last year, the solar
industry employed many more Americans [373,807] than coal [160,119],
while wind power topped 100,000 jobs.” But simply reporting rather
enthusiastically that the solar industry employs lots of Americans,
more than twice as many as the number of coal miners and utility
workers at electric power plants using coal, is only telling a small
part of the story. |
16may19 |
‘Clean’ Energy Kaput: Germany’s
‘Inevitable’ Wind &
Solar ‘Transition’ an Inevitable & Total Failure
suffer Europe’s highest power prices -- right up there with wind
‘powered’ Denmark and just behind South Australia, Australia’s wind and
solar capital -- which tops the list. Its so-called ‘Energiewende’ has
turned into high farce: power prices are rising; hundreds of thousands
of Germans can no longer afford power; the grid is on the brink of
collapse; and its primary object (slashing carbon dioxide gas
emissions) is an abject failure. |
11may19 |
Back to the Medieval Green World
Viv Forbes
dream of a zero-emissions world without coal, oil and natural gas. They
need to think about what they wish for. First there would be no mass
production of steel without coke from coking coal to remove oxygen from
iron ore. People could cut trees in forests for charcoal to produce pig
iron and crude steels, but forests would soon be exhausted. Coal saved
the forests from this fate. |
5mar19 |
How Much CO2 Gets Emitted to Build
a Wind Turbine?
wind power fails to deliver at all hundreds of times each year, 100% of
its capacity has to be backed up 100% of the time by fossil fuel
generation sources – which run constantly in the background to balance
the grid and prevent blackouts when wind power output collapses – as it
does on a routine, but unpredictable, basis. |
27feb19 |
The Real Reason They Hate Nuclear
is Because
It Means We Don't Need Renewables
Michael Shellenberger
is it that, from the U.S. and Canada to Spain and France, it is
progressives and socialists who say they care deeply about the climate,
not conservative climate skeptics, who are seeking to shut down nuclear
plants? After all, the two greatest successes when it comes to nuclear
energy are Sweden and France, two nations held up by democratic
socialists for decades as models of the kind of societies they want. |
21feb19 |
Media Hysteria:
Climate Change ‘Heat Records’ Are a Huge Data Manipulation
Jay Lehr & Tom Harris
idea that climate change is producing heat records across the Earth is
among the most egregious manipulations of data in the absurd global
warming debate. Americans receive a daily barrage from the fake news
media and climate “experts” reporting that each and every day, week,
month or year is the hottest on record due to global warming. |
18nov18 |
Climate – Ignoring Incompetence
California Wildfires Incinerate People, Wildlife and Habitats.
Politicians Blame Climate Change.
Paul Driessen
to "manmade climate change" has become the favorite, most politically
expedient tactic for deflecting attention away from the abject,
ideological, even criminally incompetent forest management practices
demanded by politicians, regulators, judges and environmentalists in
recent decades. |
3oct18 |
Rooting Out Scientific Corruption
Paul Driessen
about time someone exposed and rooted out this growing problem, and not
just in the food arena. Countless billions of dollars in state and
federal taxpayer money, corporate (and thus consumer) funding and
foundation grants have fueled research and padded salaries, with
universities typically taking a 40% or so cut off the top, for
“oversight and overhead.” Incentives and temptations abound. |
27aug18 |
How to Solve the Plastic Crisis
Just 8 Countries Are Responsible for Most Ocean Plastic
Jan. 1, when China stopped accepting the rich world's recyclable
plastic waste, it's gotten a ton of criticism for worsening the already
deep crisis of ocean plastic pollution. But China isn't the only
culprit here. This is a crisis made – and growing worse – throughout
developing Asia. Just eight countries in the region are responsible for
about 63 percent of total plastic waste flowing into the oceans. Little
of that junk has been exported by rich economies. |
17aug18 |
Carbon Colonialism and Climate Corruption Continue –
A 3-part Series
Paul Driessen and David Wojick, Ph.D.
horrible enough that the World Bank, multilateral development banks and
radical environmentalist pressure groups actively deny the poorest
families on Earth access to the energy, agricultural and disease
control technologies that have made health and living standards so good
and life spans so long for so many people. For the Trump USAID to
perpetuate Omaba's carbon colonialist policies simply defies belief. |
11aug18 |
Questionable Funding for
Environmental Groups and
What They Do with It
Naming Names and the Shocking Amount of Dollars Involved
Jack Dini
corporations provide funding to environmental groups and the level of
funding has been growing. As Steve Goreham says, “We’re talking big
dollars here. Corporate funding of environmental groups amounts to
hundreds of million of dollars per year. In 2007, the World Wildlife
Fund (WWF) and Coca-Cola announced a multi-year partnership worth over
$20 million to WWF. |
4aug18 |
Europe Has Little Output to Show
for Its Wind and Solar Investments;
Spent €5B per Gigawatt, Natural Gas Would Have Been €1B
2014, the European Union had spent over a trillion dollars on large
scale renewable energy. Yet, that investment has provided little in
terms of generating capacity and output. Out of about a total of 1000
gigawatts in the European Union at the end of 2014, renewable capacity
totaled just 216 gigawatts. Germany, for example, invested $467 billion
on renewable energy, installing more renewable energy capacity than any
other country in Europe (78.7 gigawatts through 2014), but still relies
on coal for about 42 percent of its power. |
5jun18 |
Speculative Climate Chaos v.
Indisputable Fossil Fuel Benefits
Paul Driessen and Roger Bezdek
and climate activists, including cities pursuing climate lawsuits
against oil companies, almost never acknowledge those benefits, which
are far-reaching and indisputable. We can only hope attorneys Anne
Champion, Philip Curtis, Diehl Kemper, et al. and friends of the court
will do justice to the many blessings attributable to our use of these
once unimaginable energy resources. |
9feb18 |
Can Climate Models Predict Climate
viewed nearly 1-1/2 million times, Emeritus Professor of Physics at
Princeton University Will Happer explains why the complexity of the
atmosphere is the reason climate models haven't worked and will
probably never work at predicting our planet's future climate. This is
an easy to understand video – no college diploma required! |
9feb18 |
Leasing Offshore Energy Drilling
Benefits America
Paul Driessen
the current offshore energy program developed during the Obama years,
94% of the nation’s Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) is off limits to
leasing and drilling. Under the Draft Proposed Program (DPP) announced
January 4 by Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke, over 90% of OCS
acreage and 98% of “undiscovered, technically recoverable oil and gas
resources” in these federal offshore areas (beyond the 3-mile limit of
state waters) will be considered for possible future leasing,
exploration and development. |
2jan18 |
Global Warming: Fake News from the
The Objective of the [UN's] IPCC Was Political, Not Scientific
Tom Harris
political [global warming] agenda required “credibility” to accomplish
the deception. It also required some fake news for momentum. Ideally,
this would involve testimony from a scientist before a legislative
committee. U.S. Senator Timothy Wirth (D-CO) was fully committed to the
political agenda and the deception. As he explained in a 1993 comment,
“We’ve got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of
global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing.…” |
10nov17 |
Renewable Energy by Royal Decree
Paul Driessen
St. Louis city council has unanimously passed a resolution decreeing
that by 2035 the city will somehow, almost magically be powered by 100%
"clean, renewable" electricity. This will be achieved, city aldermen
believe, via tougher energy efficiency measures and a transition to
wind and solar power. |
15oct17 |
Obama EPA's Crooked Prosecutors – The agency's carbon dioxide climate
"endangerment finding" was a kangaroo court process
Paul Dreissen
a crooked prosecutor framed someone and was determined to get a
conviction. So he built an entire case on tainted, circumstantial
evidence, and testimony from witnesses who had their reasons for
wanting the guy in jail. Suppose the prosecutor ignored or hid
exculpatory evidence and colluded with the judge to prevent the
defendant from presenting a robust defense or cross-examining adverse
witnesses. You know what would happen – at least in a fair and just
society. |
7aug17 |
MIT Climate Scientist Dr. Richard
Lindzen: Believing CO2 Controls
The Climate ‘is pretty close to believing in magic’
this is pretty close to believing in magic. Instead, you are told that
it is believing in ‘science.’ Such a claim should be a tip-off that
something is amiss. After all, science is a mode of inquiry rather than
a belief structure." "The accumulation of false and/or misleading
claims is often referred to as the ‘overwhelming evidence’ for
forthcoming catastrophe. Without these claims, one might legitimately
ask whether there is any evidence at all." |
5mar17 |
GIGO-Based Energy and Climate
Paul Driessen
are never quiet on the climate front. After calling dangerous manmade
climate change a hoax and vowing to withdraw the USA from the Paris
agreement, President Trump has apparently removed language criticizing
the Paris deal from a pending executive order initiating a rollback of
anti-fossil-fuel regulations, to help jumpstart job creation.
Meanwhile, EPA Administration Scott Pruitt says he expects quick action
to rescind the Clean Power Plan, a central component of the Obama Era's
war on coal and hydrocarbons. |
5feb17 |
The Hidden Agendas of
Sustainability Claptrap
Paul Driessen
"dangerous manmade climate change," sustainability reflects poor
understanding of basic energy, economic, resource extraction and
manufacturing principles – and a tendency to emphasize tautologies and
theoretical models as an alternative to readily observable evidence in
the Real World. It also involves well-intended but ill-informed people
being led by ill-intended but well-informed activists who use the
concept to gain greater government control over people's lives,
livelihoods and living standards. |
11oct16 |
Nobel Winner on Global
Warming: 'Mr. President, You're Wrong';
“global warming basically is a non-problem. Just leave it
think Obama is a clever person, but he gets bad advice. Global warming
is all wet,” Ivar Giaever said in a speech entitled Global Warming
Revisited he gave on July 1 to scientists from 90 countries attending
the 65th annual Nobel Laureate Meeting in Lindau, Germany. |
8oct16 |
Experts Said Arctic Sea Ice Would
Melt Entirely by September 2016 – They Were Wrong
predictions that the Arctic would be devoid of sea ice by September
this year have proven to be unfounded after latest satellite images
showed there is far more now than in 2012... For the month of September
overall, there was 31 per cent more ice than in 2012, figures released
this week from the National Snow and Ice Data Centre show. |
30sep16 |
South Australia Pays the Price for
Heavy Reliance on
Renewable Energy as Entire State is Without Power
extensive disruption follows the narrow avoidance of widespread
blackouts in South Australia in July. At that time, the state
government brought pressure to bear on a local power company for an
idled power station to be restarted to avoid potential disruptions,
following a lack of electricity generated from wind and solar sources
at a time when it was unable to “import” sufficient supply from
Victoria. |
23sep16 |
Powering Countries, Empowering
People – Affordable energy brings jobs, improved living standards and
pursuit of happiness
Paul Driessen
most people in developed countries tend to forget is how essential
electricity is in maintaining our infrastructure, homes, livelihoods
and living standards … how many people around the world still do not
have electricity … and how dramatically their lives are improved once
they get reliable, affordable electricity – as much as they need,
whenever they need it.
A Three-part series: Part 1
– Part 2
– Part 3 |
23jul16 |
Science or Advocacy?
David R. Legates
attacks on "climate cataclysm" skeptics intensify, and the Democratic
Party Platform demands replacing half of our fossil fuels with wind,
solar and biofuel energy by 2050 – to prevent alleged climate disasters
– there is a growing need for real climate science in our schools and
body politic. Unfortunately, just the opposite is happening. Schools
are replacing science with ideology and advocacy. |
7jun16 |
Bill Nye the Scientism Guy
Facts Don’t Support His Hypothesis, So He Shouts Louder...
Dr. Willie Soon and Dr. István Markó
scientism aggressively misrepresents facts, refuses to discuss energy
and climate issues with anyone who points out massive flaws in the
man-made climate chaos hypothesis, bullies anyone who won’t condemn
carbon dioxide, and brands them as equivalent to Holocaust Deniers. |
17apr16 |
RICO for Government Climate
Paul Driessen and Ron Arnold
self-appointed coalition of Democratic state attorneys general is
pursuing civil or criminal racketeering actions against ExxonMobil, the
Competitive Enterprise Institute and other organizations. The AGs claim
the groups are committing fraud by “denying” climate change. The charge
is bogus. The problem is not human intervention in the climate; it’s
improper political intervention in climate science. It has corrupted
scientific findings from the very beginning. [Note many
cross-references and links] |
10mar16 |
We Cannot Afford “Free” Wind and
Solar Energy
“Ultimately Physics Dooms Both Wind and Solar”
Michael Fumento
America’s greatest investor in these technologies is Berkshire Hathaway
guru Warren Buffett, who has already sunk at least $15 billion into
them with “another $15 billion ready to go.” At a meeting a couple of
years ago he admitted “on wind energy, we get a tax credit if we build
a lot of wind farms. That’s the only reason to build them. They don’t
make sense without the tax credit.” |
7mar16 |
Last-ditch Assaults on Affordable
Obama and Allies Double Down on Energy Fantasies
Paul Driessen
reality from ideology and political agendas is difficult, but
essential, if we are to revitalize our economy and help the world’s
poorest families take their rightful places among Earth’s prosperous
people. Energy reality is certainly in our favor. But ideological
forces are powerful and persistent. |
15feb16 |
Audubon Goes
Over the Edge – The Society’s Misleading Claims
About a Climate Crisis in the Arctic Must Be Corrected
Robert W. Endlich
The January–February 2016 issue of Audubon
proclaims “Arctic on the Edge: As global warming opens our most
critical bird habitat, the world is closing in.” In reality, the
magazine’s writers and editors have gone over the edge, with wildly
misleading “reports” on the Arctic. The magazine is awash in
misstatements of fact and plain ignorance of history, science and
culture. |
4dec15 |
The Ethanol Mandate: Don’t Mend It,
End It
Nicolas Loris
as a policy that would reduce dependence on oil and reduce greenhouse
gas emissions, the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), which requires
refineries to blend ethanol into gasoline, has been fraught with
unintended consequences. The RFS mandates the use of an inefficient
fuel, drives up food prices, and causes adverse environmental effects. |
12sep15 |
Replacing the Environmental
Protection Agency
Jay Lehr, Ph.D.
around 1981, liberal activist groups recognized EPA could be used to
advance their political agenda by regulating virtually all human
activities regardless of their impact on the environment... Since that
time, not a single environmental law or regulation has been passed that
benefited either the environment or society. |
12may15 |
Wind Energy ‘Myths’ Are Spun by
Lobbyists, Salesmen
Mary Kay Barton
[A May 2nd] letter in the Union-Sun &
Journal by American Wind Energy Association representative Tom Vinson
was typical of wind industry sales propaganda and deserves correction.
The reality is: Industrial wind is a net loser, economically,
environmentally, technically and civilly. Let’s examine how... |
10may15 |
The Iceman Cometh?
Could a Quiescent Sun Portend a New Little Ice Age?
Paul Driessen
cooling commanded extensive media attention in the mid-1970s. Then
Earth started warming, and the environmentalist, media, political and
regulatory classes began raising alarms... But what if Earth is about
to enter another Little Ice Age? Al Gore, President Obama and other
alarmists never want to talk about THAT. |
10may15 |
It Is a Bad Time to Be In the Renewable
Energy Industry
Marita Noon
may go down in the books as the year support for renewable energy died
– and we are only a few months in. Policy adjustments – whether for
electricity generation or transportation fuels – are in the works on
both the state and federal levels. |
22mar15 |
Radical Environmentalism's Death
Paul Driessen
terms racism, white supremacy, crimes against humanity are bandied
about so often that they have become almost meaningless... But what
radical environmentalists are doing to Third World countries. By
denying people access to abundant, reliable, affordable electricity,
modern fertilizers and biotech seeds, and especially DDT to prevent
malaria and other insect-borne diseases, they are killing millions
every year. |
4jan15 |
1350+ Peer-Reviewed Papers
Supporting Skeptic Arguments
Against ACC/AGW Alarmism
This is a resource for
skeptics not a list of
skeptics. To provide a resource for peer-reviewed papers that support
skeptic arguments against ACC/AGW or Alarmism and to prove that these
papers exist contrary to claims otherwise: |
30nov14 |
People Starting to Ask About Motive
for Massive IPCC Deception
Dr.Tim Ball
have done a reasonable job of explaining what and how the IPCC created
bad climate science. Now, as more people understand what the skeptics
are saying, the question that most skeptics have not, or do not want to
address is being asked – why? What is the motive behind corrupting
science to such an extent? |
30nov14 |
Take Your Pick of Lies About Ozone,
Methane or Mercury
Alan Caruba
it surprising that the EPA continues to tell big fat lies about
anything it wants to ban, but is reluctant to show the “science” on
which the bans are based? There is currently a piece of legislation
under consideration by Congress, the Secret Science Reform Act, to
force the EPA to disclose its scientific and technical information
before proposing or finalizing any regulation. |
22jun14 |
Fighting Executive Fiat on Climate
Paul Driessen
The Food and Drug Administration requires that
companies seeking approvals of medical product meet high standards for
the quality, integrity, and transparency of data... What if the same
standards applied to government agencies regarding the scientists and
institutions they hired or utilized? Their taxpayer-supported work
affects virtually every American. |
20apr14 |
23 Global Warming & Climate
Change Stories
All Americans Should Read Before Earth Day
Kyle Becker
or not one wants to promote the perfectly fine goal of fostering a
better environment and leaving a cleaner planet for one's children,
that should not be carried out on the basis of disinformation,
hysteria, or hidden political agendas…If the green movement is about
"science," then why are climate change activists against the
challenging of their ideas? |
13apr14 |
The Truth about Fracking
So what about that burning water?
Kevin D. Williamson
relatively clean, ayatollah-free energy, enormous investments in real
capital and infrastructure, thousands of new jobs for blue-collar
workers and Ph.D.s alike, Americans engineering something other than
financial derivatives – who could not love all that?... The weird true
thing is that water has been catching fire for a long time – "long
time" here meaning way back into the mists of obscure prehistory and
the realm of legend. |
9mar14 |
The President’s 2015 Budget: A
Masterpiece of Energy Wastefulness
Institute for Energy Research
Obama just released his fiscal 2015 budget... instead of keeping miners
in their coal jobs that historically supplied the nation with most of
its electricity, he is putting his dollars on ‘clean coal and natural
gas’; instead of opening more federal lands to oil and gas drilling, he
is taking away standard tax deductions as applied to the oil industry
and providing subsidies to inefficient technologies that supply just 2
percent of the nation’s energy. |
26jan14 |
John Beale's Deposition Reveals the
EPA's Agenda:
Undermine Capitalism and America
Alan Caruba
Kish responded to the revelation saying “In his testimony under oath,
Beale, perhaps unwittingly, has laid bare the administration’s end
goal. The President’s policies are not about carbon, they are not about
coal, and they are not even about energy and the environment. They are
about fundamentally altering the DNA of the capitalist system. These
policies are not about energy, but power.” |
29dec13 |
Associated Press Report
The Secret, Dirty Cost of Obama's
Green Power Push
Report Indicts Obama, the EPA, DOE and Dept. of Agriculture
The government's predictions of [ethanol's]
benefits have proven so inaccurate that independent scientists question
whether it will ever achieve its central environmental goal: reducing
greenhouse gases. That makes the hidden costs even more significant.
"This is an ecological disaster," said Craig Cox with the Environmental
Working Group, a natural ally of the president that, like others, now
finds itself at odds with the White House.

Next Generation of Biofuels a
"bridge to nowhere"
Ethanol from corn has proven far more
damaging to the environment than the government predicted, and
cellulosic fuel hasn't emerged as a replacement. "A lot of people were
willing to go with corn ethanol because it's a bridge product," said
Silvia Secchi, an agricultural economist at Southern Illinois
University. But until significant cellulosic fuel materializes, she
said, "It's a bridge to nowhere." |
24mar13 |
Wind Turbines Kill Up To 39 Million
Birds a Year!
Jim Wiegand
the early 1980s, the industry has known there is no way its
propeller-style turbines could ever be safe for raptors. With exposed
blade tips spinning in open space at speeds up to 200 mph, it was
impossible. Wind developers also knew they would have a public
relations nightmare if people ever learned how many eagles are actually
being cut in half – or left with a smashed wing, to stumble around for
days before dying. |
28oct12 |
Energy Is Everywhere
Kenneth P. Green
half of what people pay for energy comes ‘embodied’ in the various
goods and services that they use, and about half of that comes down to
two things: food and health care. “There is no substitute for energy.
The whole edifice of modern society is built upon it ... It is not
“just another commodity” but the precondition of all commodities, a
basic factor equal with air, water, and earth.” —E. F. Schumacher, 1973 |
9sep12 |
wind farms saving or killing us? A provocative investigation claims
thousands of people are falling sick because they live near them
James Delingpole
this were the nuclear industry, this is a scandal which would be on the
front pages of every newspaper every day for months on end,” says Chris
Heaton-Harris, the Conservative MP for Daventry who has been leading
the parliamentary revolt against wind farms, demanding that their
subsidies be cut. “But because it’s wind it has been let off the hook.
It shouldn’t be.” |
19aug12 |
Wind Energy's Bird and Bat Butchery
"eco-friendly" wind turbines are sending some of America's most
important and majestic sovereigns of our skies to the edge of
extinction: eagles, hawks, falcons, owls, whooping cranes, condors,
herons, egrets, snow geese, bats that protect crops by eating insects,
and many more. |
26dec11 |
EPA Mercury Rules for Electricity
Generating Units:
Imaginary Benefits, Extensive Harm
Craig Rucker
Dr. Willie Soon’s 85-page critique of EPA’s draft rules, U.S. power
plants account for only 0.5% of the mercury in U.S. air. Thus, even if
EPA’s new rules eventually do eliminate 90% of mercury from power plant
emission streams, that’s still only 90% of 0.5% – ie, almost zero
benefit. The rest of the mercury in US air comes from natural and
foreign sources, such as forest fires, Chinese power plants and the
cremation of human remains. |
18dec11 |
Green Technology that Pollutes the
Amy Oliver and Michael Sandoval
alternative vehicle owners, solar panel supporters, and wind turbine
advocates may feel better about themselves, they’re actually polluting
the planet with their “clean/green” technology. Advancing these
policies is beyond irresponsible, especially when the foundation of the
“clean” scheme is revealed. This green hypocrisy has Mother Nature
crying out for a separation of earth and state. |
17dec11 |
When Scientists Discover Their
Conclusions Are Wrong …
A J Strata
happens when the underpinning claims of a scientific theory are proven
wrong? Under the tried, true and ancient scientific method that framed
the work of Newton, Einstein and uncounted others the proposed theory
is deemed disproved and the scientists making the claim have to go back
to the drawing board. The theory is rejected. |
28oct11 |
Let Them Eat Windmills
Mario Loyola
“alternative energy” movement has an enormous obstacle to contend with,
namely that none of the alternative energy sources produce nearly as
much energy, nearly as reliably, nearly as cheaply, as fossil fuels.
Sources such as wind and solar are inherently intermittent and
unpredictable, even when they are found in high enough density that it
is economical to use them, which is virtually never. |
2oct11 |
EPA Gets Caught in a Big Fat Lie
Alan Caruba
notion that the Environmental Protection Agency uses "science" to
justify their regulations is false, just like most of the claims they
issue on various aspects of the nation's environment. Their favorite
scam is to estimate the number of deaths they will prevent with some
new draconian regulation. |
30sep11 |
'Green' Wind Power's Toxic Waste
Scandinavia has hit this unanticipated hurdle because a key material in
constructing wind turbines, carbon fiber composite, cannot be recycled
and is fast filling landfills or else is being burned creating toxic
emissions. The report admits, “a gigantic mountain of scrap blades is
building up.” |
11sep11 |
Slow, Certain Death of the Global Warming Theory
Alan Caruba
across America have entire departments and units devoted to keeping the
global warming fraud alive. The mainstream press is heavily invested in
it. Schools continue to frighten children with its claims. All this and
other efforts will fail because science-real science-does not support
it. |
29jul11 |
Government Funding Skews Climate
Forbes – Larry Bell
pays for all this bad science, and worse, news? We do, of course. And
it doesn’t come cheap. According to data compiled by Joanne Nova at the
Science and Public Policy Institute, the U.S. Government spent more
than $32.5 billion on climate studies between 1989 and 2009. |
6jul11 |
UN Confesses Going 'Green' Would
Cost $76 TRILLION!
Many Changes Have NOTING To Do With the Climate!
Dan Gainor
press release for the report discusses the need “to achieve a decent
living standard for people in developing countries, especially the 1.4
billion still living in extreme poverty, and the additional 2 billion
people expected worldwide by 2050.”...[E]radicating hunger and
overcoming poverty are now part of the climate debate. |
16jun11 |
Myth of Killer Mercury
Paul Dreissen and Willie Soon
vitally important commentary highlights some of the many ways EPA's new
rules for mercury and other pollutants from coal-fired power plants are
arbitrary, unnecessary, and based on cherry-picked and manipulated
health and environmental data. The simple reality is that no American
is remotely at risk from power plant mercury emissions. |
13jun11 |
this the Ultimate FAIL?
Europe is Quickly Learning that Turbines Are Hazardous Waste!
Windy Scandinavia has hit this unanticipated
hurdle because a key material in constructing wind turbines, carbon
fiber composite, cannot be recycled and is fast filling landfills or
else is being burned creating toxic emissions. |
29apr11 |
Wind Farms in UK Operate Well Below
Claimed Efficiency
report, supported by conservation charity The John Muir Trust, said
assertions about the ability of wind farms must be challenged. It
concluded turbines "cannot be relied upon" to produce significant
levels of power generation. 28-page PDF Report |
9feb11 |
The Climes They Are A-Changin’
of our impressions of current extreme weather conditions have to do
with the fact that 1) they’re fresh in our memories; 2) we have better
communications and 3) higher population densities than in times past. |
1feb11 |
The Reality of a Green World
Tom DeWeese
fighting the radical environmental movement for more than 20 years, I
have come to one basic conclusion: the people who understand and care
for the environment the least are environmentalists. |
23oct10 |
Stopping A Global Killer – Malaria
National Geographic
begins with a bite, a painless bite. The mosquito comes in the night,
alights on an exposed patch of flesh, and assumes the hunched,
head-lowered posture of a sprinter in the starting blocks. Then she
plunges her stiletto mouthparts into the skin. |
10oct10 |
‘Global warming is the greatest and
most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life’
letter of resignation from Harold Lewis, Emeritus Professor of Physics
at the University of California, Santa Barbara, to Curtis G. Callan Jr,
Princeton University, President of the American Physical Society.
Read the full letter and vitae of Professor Lewis. |
5oct10 |
Climate Change Data Control; The
Enemy Within
Dr. Tim Ball
are serious concerns about data quality. The US spends more than others
on weather stations, yet their condition and reliability is simply
atrocious. Anthony Watts has documented the condition of US weather
stations; it is one of governments failures. |
5oct10 |
Spray or Not To Spray
Rolf Penner
are as common to the Winnipeg experience as the wind chill in January
and the blazing prairie heat radiating off the concrete in August. In
all three cases, technology has been our ally by making life far more
pleasant than it ever was for people who originally settled here. |
29aug10 |
Progressives Against Progress
Fred Siegel
one were to pick a point at which liberalism’s extraordinary reversal
began, it might be the celebration of the first Earth Day, in April
1970... The event brought together disparate conservationist,
anti-nuclear, and back-to-the-land groups into what became the church
of environmentalism, complete with warnings of hellfire and damnation. |
25jul10 |
A Necessary Apocalypse
J.R. Dunn
apocalyptic vision of global warming serves a deep need of the
environmentalist credo, the dominant pseudo-religious tendency of our
age in the prosperous West. |
14jun10 |
Renewable Energy: There Ain’t No
Free Lunch
Prof. Chris Kobus, Ph.D.
confronted with the revelation that systems need to be built to harness
“free” energy, many people are perplexed as it is not something they
have thought about. The reason, I suspect, is that the liberal media
has dumbed down the science and inserted environmental propaganda in
its place. |
2jun10 |
NASA Gagging
Policy: Scientist Quits over Controversy
Top Physicist: Greenhouse Gas Theory ‘Bogus’
John O'Sullivan
of the gagging policy comes from ex-NASA high-flier, Dr. Ferenc
Miskolczi, who upset his former employers with the 2007 publication of
his paper, ‘Greenhouse effect in semi-transparent planetary
atmospheres,’ in the Quarterly Journal of the Hungarian Meteorological
Service. |
6mar10 |
Smart Grid: The Implementation of
Patrick Wood
consumption? Reconfiguring businesses, infrastructure and institutions?
What do these words mean? They do not mean merely reshuffling the
existing order, but rather replacing it with a completely new economic
system, one that has never before been seen or used in the history of
the world. |
5mar10 |
Climategate: The Money Trail
Joanne Nova
big-money side of this debate has fostered a myth that skeptics write
what they write because they are funded by oil profits. They say,
follow the money? So I did and it's chilling. Greens and
environmentalists need to be aware each time they smear with an ad
hominem attack they are unwittingly helping giant finance houses. |
2mar10 |
the Details Needed to Sound the Alarm
Against Sustainable Development
Tom DeWeese
those who are taking to the streets in TEA Party protests are focusing
on federal issues like taxes and health care. They must learn that they
can never restore the Republic if their local community is a little
soviet. |
1mar10 |
How They Distort Global
The Urban Heat Island Effect
Dr. Tim Ball
much do calculations of global temperatures represent the real
temperature of the Earth? Every day new stories appear about
temperature records with errors or deliberate omissions. An important
part of the debate is something called the Urban Heat Island Effect
(UHIE). |
26feb10 |
The Hidden Flaw in Greenhouse
How NASA Distorts the Truth About Our Atmosphere
Alan Siddons
idea has been drummed into our heads for decades: that roughly 1% of
the atmosphere's content is responsible for shifting the earth's
surface temperature from inimical to benign. This conjecture has
mistakenly focused on specifically light-absorbing gases, however,
ignoring heat-absorbing gases altogether. |
19feb10 |
Climategate: The Big Picture
Charlie Martin
been less than three months since the Climategate files were first
revealed to the world, and an amazing lot has happened – so much that I
think it’s worth bringing things together in one place. |
3jan10 |
It Didn't Start with Climategate
John Hinderaker
Kyoto protocol was based on fictitious science, exaggerated or
fabricated outright for political purposes. The same Professor Santer
who hijacked the Second Assessment Report figures prominently in
Climategate. Fraud: it is the one constant in the history of the global
warming hysteria movement. |
25dec09 |
The Climate Change Scam: A Concise
the wake of Climategate, common sense deniers [neo-deniers] like to say
that there is lots of other evidence for global warming, in addition to
that which has been debunked by the East Anglia whistleblower.
Actually, however, the scientific evidence for AGW [man-made global
warming] is remarkably weak. |
21nov09 |
Hacked Computer Files of the
Climatic Research Unit
Reveal Global Warming a Deliberate Fraud
Dr. Tim Ball
IPCC Reports and especially the SPM Reports are the basis for Kyoto and
the Copenhagen Accord, but now we know they are based on completely
falsified and manipulated data and science. It is no longer a
suspicion. Surely this is the death knell for the CRU, the IPCC, Kyoto
and Copenhagen and the Carbon Credits shell game.
8nov09 |
ABCs: Playing Americans for Fools
Alan Caruba
Astonishingly, other oil producing nations
whose reserves are ranked behind the U.S. are Russia, Saudi Arabia,
China, Iran, and Canada. The only oil "shortage" in the U.S. is one
created by Congress and the energy policies of a succession of past
presidents. An estimated 87% of our oil reserves remain untouched. |
1aug09 |
Peer Reviewed Study: Virtually all
changes in global atmospheric temperatures the result of nature rather
than human activity
Climate scientist Chris de Freitas described
the data as established, reproducible, and “out in the open.” The
scientists’ finding flies in the face of the assertion by the UN’s
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, in a series of reports, that
“global warming” is occurring, is primarily the result of human
activity, and requires urgent action. |
3may09 |
Global Warming Alarmists Out In
Andrew Bolt
It's snowing in April. Ice is spreading in
Antarctica. The Great Barrier Reef is as healthy as ever. Time's up for
this absurd
scaremongering. The fears are being contradicted by the facts, and more
so by the week. Doubt it? Then here's a test. |
28mar09 |
Complete Links to:
The second International Conference on Climate
Change concluded its 2-1/2 -day run March 10, 2009 in New York City
after confronting the theme "Global warming: Was it ever really a
crisis?" The answer was a resounding "No." |
1mar09 |
High Price of Climate Lies
Alan Caruba
global warming hoax didn't happen over night. It is generally dated
from an appearance before Congress by Dr. James E. Hansen in 1988
predicting a dramatic rise in the Earth's temperature based on the
increase of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. |
21mar08 |
Environmentalists’ attack CO2
in their efforts to Derail Civilization
Dr. Tim Ball & Tom Harris
from forecasts of still primitive computer models, modern
climatological research consistently shows that there is no scientific
justification for the CO2/climate hysteria that has so gripped mass
media and politicians. |
21mar08 |
Environmental Extremism
must be put
in its place in the Climate Debate
Dr. Tim Ball & Tom Harris
people are starting to realize that much of what they’ve been told
about climate change by governments, the United Nations and crusading
celebrities is simply wrong. |
2sep07 |
Year the Global Warming Hoax Died
Alan Caruba
will be dying gasps to this hoax, not the least of which is a planned
$100 million media blitz by Al Gore’s Alliance for Climate Protection,
but the public is already far more concerned about instability in the
Middle East, the forthcoming national elections, and shocks to the U.S.
economy to accord such an effort much credibility. |
26mar06 |
Ice Cores
Show Sun, Not Humans,
Controlling Earth’s Climate
Dennis T.
Man’s climate impacts are puny compared to the
heat of the sun. There’s no evidence that human-emitted CO2 has added
much to the current temperatures. |
12mar06 |
Environmental Lies
The lies the environmental movement has put
forth over the last few decades can and does fill entire libraries.
They have been aided and abetted by the mainstream media that knows
that scary news sells newspapers and attracts viewers and listeners. |
22may05 |
Standards On Disease Control
Paul Dreissen
year, malaria sent more African children to shallow graves than any
other infectious disease – three times as many as HIV/AIDS, according
to UNICEF. Year after year, this silent, vicious executioner infects
400 million people in sub-Saharan Africa. |
2apr05 |
Big Business of Climate Change Research
Dr. Roy W.
new report released today by the Marshall Institute, a Washington-based
science policy group, looks at the major donors to environmental groups
for climate-related activities. It finds that the vast majority of
those donors represent and promote left-leaning causes. |
14dec04 |
Is NO Man-Made Global Warming
Tom DeWeese
aren't being told that a 1997 Gallop Poll of prominent North American
climatologists showed that 83 percent of them disagreed with the
man-made global warming theory. |
6aug04 |
Development’ is the Evil You Face
Tom DeWeese
Development is the 'ruling principle' for the implementation of what
former Vice President Al Gore said we must all suffer through in order
to purify our nation from the horrors of the Twentieth Century’s
industrial revolution. |
31jul04 |
Development 101
Policy Center
Since the concept of
'sustainability' was first defined in the 1987 report by Gro Harlem
Brundtland (VP of the World Socialist Party), it has swelled into a
tidal wave that is washing across the world and has now crashed onto
American shores and will soon inundate every American Community. |
30apr04 |
DDT vs.
Death by Malaria
J. Cihak, M.D.
That DDT prevented 500 million
deaths by 1970 and that the banning of its use in poor countries has
resulted in millions of unnecessary deaths holds no sway with true
believers in this doctrine. Where did this myth originate? |
22feb04 |
Emperor’s New Climate:
Is Global Warming Real?
Maxwell Anderson
Scientists have created a global-warming paradigm
themselves that benefits them – as a cause and as a livelihood. They
won’t easily be dissuaded from it. |
11jan04 |
Endangered Species Act Deserves Extinction
Alan Caruba
something that will surprise you. Originally adopted in 1973, the
Endangered Species Act expired October 1, 1992! It continues only
because Congress continues to fund it. |
21nov03 |
The Real
Poision is Dishonesty
When South Africa used DDT widely, malaria
cases dropped to 6,000. Five years after it switched to other
techniques, the number had climbed to 60,000. |
12aug03 |
Beyond the hyperbole of calling global
warming a weapon of mass destruction, let's look a bit closer at ...
claims that 'The 1990s were probably the warmest decade in the last
1,000 years…' |
10jun03 |
the Global Warming Hoax
Little known to the public is the fact that
most of the scientists involved with the UN's' Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change do not agree that global warming is occurring. |
16may03 |
Real Epidemic: West Nile Fever
Alan Caruba
has stripped Americans of many of the pesticides that formerly
protected them against a vast range of insect pests that spread disease
or inflict millions of dollars of property damage. |
14may03 |
been promoting
one big secondhand smoke screen?
One study, funded by the National Cancer
Institute, found
that nonsmokers have no increased risk of lung cancer as a result of
exposure to secondhand smoke during childhood, in the workplace or from
living with a pack-a-day smoker for as many as 40 years. |
14may03 |
Smokes Out Tobacco Lie
publicly committed to a conclusion before the research had begun;
adjusted established procedure and scientific norms to validate its
conclusion, and aggressively utilized its authority to disseminate
findings to establish a de facto regulatory scheme
to influence public opinion." –Judge William Osteen |
27apr03 |
Deploy DDT To
Fight Malaria
"In the 1940s many people were
deliberately exposed to high concentrations of DDT through dusting
programs or impregnation of clothes, without any apparent ill effect."
–A.G. Smith of the scientific journal Lancet |
5mar03 |
to Throw Out 'Myth' of Recycling
Throw away the green
and blue bags and forget those
trips to return bottles – recycling household waste is a load of, well,
rubbish, say leading environmentalists and waste campaigners. |
28dec02 |
Modern Climate Myths
global climate warming? If so, what part of that warming is
due to human activities? How good is the evidence?
What are the risks? – 14 Fallacies |
2oct02 |
Things You Should Know about DDT
Gordon Edwards and Steven Milloy
"To only a few
chemicals does man owe as great a debt as to DDT... In little more than
two decades, DDT has prevented 500 million human deaths, due to
malaria, that otherwise would have been inevitable." – National Academy
of Sciences, 1970 |
28sep02 |
Forests and Wise Management
Jon Kyl
If we are really concerned about
greenhouse gases, just stop and think, all of the emissions from all of
the cars in the United States did not equal 1 day's worth of emissions
from this one [Rodeo] fire. |
1sep02 |
Science for Sale: The Global
Warming Scam
in Media
The dirty secret is that global warming
is driven more by the search for funding than the search for scientific
truth. "Big science" was adrift in the early 1990s, like many other
beneficiaries of the Cold War, and was desperate to sustain its federal
funding. Global warming had all the key attributes of the next
big cause. |
30aug02 |
Conservative Crisis
Conservatives would never concede their
liberty to Swastikas or Hammer and Sickles, but tuck it in a Green
blanket called "environmental protection" and they will toss those
liberties on the fire like an old-fashioned book burning. |
8aug02 |
Kills: West Nile Fever Spreads
...behind closed doors, the American
Mosquito Control Association fears this nation will lose virtually all
of the insecticides still available to defend people against the new
plague of West Nile Fever and the return of Malaria to the US. |
26jul02 |
Green Plan for Global Domination
Up to now no Green has so boldly stated
the true intention of the movement. However, the presentation of
'Restructuring the Global Economy' was a rare occasion when deliberate
deception was not used to mask the Green's true intentions. |
10jun02 |
Action Report
Dr. Sallie Baliunas, (Astrophysicist,
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics; Deputy Director, Mount
Wilson Observatory) points out that between President Bush's proper
rejection of the Kyoto Protocol a year ago and the EPA's new climate
report, "in the interim there has been no new science to cause the
shift in viewpoint". |
6jun02 |
The Kyoto Protocol and Global
What Does Science Say?
Baliunas – astrophysicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for
Astrophysics and deputy directory of Mount Wilson Observatory
Whereas the economic catastrophe that would
occur as a
result of implementing the Kyoto Protocol is a certainty, the
likelihood of an environmental catastrophe resulting from a failure to
implement Kyoto is extremely speculative. |
1apr02 |
While the denizens of Washington and New
York bask in their alternate energy, it won't be their countryside that
is dominated by mile after mile of solar stations and wind farms; and
it won't be large swaths of their fertile farmland that is seized by
eminent domain to plant thousands of transmission towers and tens of
thousands of miles of power lines. |
24mar02 |
"Complete" Green Matrix
The citizens of the United States need to
decide whether to take the red pill or the blue pill, because the
"green cure" may not be to their liking. |
4mar02 |
Terrorists You Don't Hear About
This group was responsible for an attack
that resulted in a $5.3 million loss in 2001... the third most
destructive only to the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks and
only one of 137 acts for which it claimed credit. |
4mar02 |
Humans Using Up Too Much Sun?
Follow me closely now because you will
learn why virtually everything any environmentalist or ecologist tells
you is the biggest pack of lies you have heard since your husband told
you you're not getting fat or your wife told you she doesn't care
you're going bald. |
7feb02 |
Cruelty In Klamath
The cruelty perpetrated against some 1400
farm families in the Klamath Basin of Oregon was not simply a piece of
bureaucratic bungling of the Bureau of Land Management. Hidden from
public view was the dark hand of the United Nations' Environmental
Program. |
23jan02 |
Of The Green Religion
A former member of Greenpeace, has been
branded a traitor by the international environmental movement. His
crime? He debunked almost all of its claims about the earth's perilous
state. Now he is a marked man. |
9jan02 |
A Cascade of Lies
The cascade of lies about everything
environmental should, by now, have convinced the public that US
government officials responsible for setting national policies and
environmental groups seeking to determine what those policies should be
cannot be trusted. |
4jan02 |
Crazy Are They?
In addition to the Islamic militants among
us, we have a cadre of terrorists who need to be hunted and jailed
before they become further emboldened to harm our lives and our nation. |
1jan02 |
Trying to Scare You in 2002
The Earth is about 5.4 billion years old.
It is, for all intents and purposes, an extraordinary self-regulating
mechanism. |
22oct01 |
EcoTerrorist Anthrax Connection
Most ecoterrorist activity seems to
revolve around one group, Earth First! It was founded in 1979 by Dave
Foreman who now serves on the Board of Directors of the Sierra Club. |
8oct01 |
and Klamath Valley
Congress was duped in 1973 into
passing the Endangered Species Act by assurances it would be used
primarily to make sure the continent's last grizzly bear, last bison,
or last bald eagle wasn't shot as a pest and sold for dog food. |
7oct01 |
Fifth Column in the New Century
Most Americans are blind to just how deep
the anti-American, pro-communist agenda runs throughout the
"environmental" movement. The Greens used the 9/11 terror attacks as an
opportunity condemn capitalism and the American economic success. |
21sep01 |
Green Taliban of America
Until Americans understand how Greens really
think, they will never understand that they are united
against everything that has made America great. They oppose our
economic system and they oppose virtually every aspect of the lifestyle
it provides. |
7sep01 |
Sharks, and A Cure for Cancer
"I keep waiting for some public outrage
that will ultimately expose PETA as vicious enemies of the human race,
but it never seems to come." |
7aug01 |
the Eagles Return
fact is that the mighty green machine has been taking no prisoners for
nearly two decades. That machine, as I have said countless times
before, is composed of the federal government, the environmental
movement and the major foundations. |
3aug01 |
Big Oil, Caribou, and Greed – The
debate over ANWR
Sure, it's possible to think this spot is
beautiful. But the
truth is that the beauty of the coastal plain isn't really in the eye
of the beholder, it's in the imagination of the angst-ridden liberals
who have never beheld the thing and never will. |
1aug01 |
a global tax on American prosperity
the beginning it has been clear that the particular mechanisms of the
Kyoto Treaty were not designed to alter the global climate in any
meaningful way (even if that were possible), but was rather a
manifestation of the hatred of economic progress in general, and
American prosperity in particular. |
23jul01 |
says I can't eat, but fish can."
hopeful alternative to the extinction of millions, possibly billions,
of species of plants and animals is the voluntary extinction of one
Homo sapiens... us." —
13jul01 |
Shark vs. Boy
is time, however, to get to the heart of the matter between the Greens
and the rest of us: They do not much like human beings, and they care
little about how much pain their policies bring to them. |
13jun01 |
Kyoto Nonsense
Remember – it's not so much what the media
tells you. It's also about what the media doesn't tell you. The
environmental movement has become home to the old communist and
socialist movements once left homeless by the collapse of the Soviet
Union. |
28may01 |
of Alternative Energy
As environmentalists roam up and down the
country opposing every power plant in sight and insisting we can live
in a world run on "renewable resources," they are almost invariably
quoting Amory Lovins, an obscure genius who is also a bit of a crackpot. |
26may01 |
A New Terrorism Comes Of Age
Alan Caruba
and animal rights terrorists are no longer just a small bunch of
"loonies", but rather an increasingly well organized and funded group
of organizations. |
19may01 |
Court Ties Economic Impact to
Endangered Species Areas
U.S. appellate court has determined that when the Fish and Wildlife
Service designates critical habitat for an endangered species, it must
analyze and consider the full economic impact on the area in which the
habitat is located. |
9may01 |
For The Record
— a little
perspective from an Alaskan citizen |
6may01 |
The Law
Kim Weissman
unearths the tangled trail of the arsenic in the water "crisis" and
reveals the contempt shown for the law by the EPA, Clinton, and Carol
Browner and the efforts by the Landmark Legal Foundation to find the
truth. |
26apr01 |
Poisoned Water
Kim Weissman
environmental movement has crossed the line from intelligent and
reasoned conservation and pollution control, into outright fanaticism
with an utter disregard for the human losses or financial costs that
their agenda imposes. |
19apr01 |
Needs Earth Day?
Those who need this kind of celebration
actually need to be re-tested, or to get therapy, or both. Neither
their words delivered from a podium, nor their antics delivered to the
media, can help or hinder the planet. |
8apr01 |
All the elderly investors who just saw a
significant portion of their retirement nest egg go up in
environmentalist smoke can go whine to the local democrat congressman
they helped put in office. |
4apr01 |
Arsenic and Old Logic
According to the EPA, reducing arsenic
levels to 10 parts per billion will save 28 statistical lives per year.
We should measure these things rationally and not lose our heads over
every toxin that lurks in the muck. |
3apr01 |
Truth about Kyoto: Do the Math
J. Michaels
"Do the math. Kyoto was a bad deal,
whether or not you care about global warming. And it's a good deal that
finally there is a world leader with the courage to tell the truth." |
25mar01 |
Energy Crisis?
You want to see some of the dirtiest,
most contaminated places on earth? Visit the former Soviet Union or
communist China, where environmental destruction is the legacy of
socialist central planning. |
10mar01 |
Thought The Eco-Nuts Lost!
whole notion of a scientific consensus [on global warming] has been
contrived to disguise the genuine disagreement among scientists on a
number of different issues. ..To think that hundreds of scientists
could be in full agreement in dozens of separate disciplines is
ridiculous. |
28jan01 |
Them Off the Land – Eviction of Western Ranchers 'Amounts to a War of
Did the
Founding Fathers really intend for the federal government to
permanently own 87% of Nevada ... 68% of Utah ... 50% of the land mass
of California ... for as long as the sun shall shine? |
28jan01 |
Biggest Liars On Earth:
The UN's Global Warming Panel
Let's understand
something. The
members of the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change are not scientists ... they are bureaucrats. |
14jan01 |
State-Established Religion
of Environmentalism
Department of Wildlife is purposefully excluding scientific reports
that counter their "muddle-headed" plans to protect predators such as
coyote and raven. |
1jan01 |
The Piper – The Hidden Costs Of Environmentalism
seems like a cold hard bite of reality is leaving a bitter taste in
many global conservationists' mouths. |
23dec00 |
Did a Global Cooling Usher in the
Dark Ages?
Fred Singer
As much of the nation shivers under
an early and harsh winter, history's lesson is plain to see:
We should be fearing a colder climate not a warmer one. |
19aug00 |
of Worlds
No matter what
term is in vogue at the time, it is still a pagan utopian dream rooted
in the worship of nature, its roots planted deep in early human history. |
12aug00 |
DDT is Eco-Colonialism
the United Nations pushes a global ban on DDT, developing countries
resist the loss of this most effective weapon
against malaria. |
16jul00 |
Suit is Act 1 in Theater of the Absurd
States of America, Plaintiff, vs. One Ford Tractor, et al,
Defendant(s)" marks one of the most bizarre episodes in modern
environmentalism. |
16jun00 |
Way of Pulling the Pesticide Plug
EPA's action against Dursban is primarily an exercise in convenient
ethics coupled with the arbitrariness of safety factors to fulfill the
intellectually and morally bankrupt anti-pesticide agenda. |
19may00 |
Want Millions More Acres Fenced Off
environmentalists want to redefine the meaning of "wilderness" while
they still control the Clinton/Gore administration |
19apr00 |
Book has the Audacity to Question
the Premise Upon Which the Federal EPA has Built its Ever-Growing Power
By unearthing
fascinating records
from the first 70 years of this century, author shows convincingly that
America was cleaning up its environment
as fast before EPA came along as afterwards |
5mar00 |
Must Be Our Fault
domestic oil reserves sit idle within the United States, we import
massive amounts of the oil we use from overseas. |
12dec99 |
How The
Media Create Consensus With Lies |
12oct99 |
Carbon Dioxide Not a Devilish Pollutant
10-year old
prediction in House
testimony upheld --
doomsayers and their computer models
debunked |
6oct99 |
One would have
to conclude that the ultimate goal of eco-radicals is to cause as much
human misery, injury, and yes, even death, as possible. |
6oct99 |
Ecological Indian: Myth and History |
9sep99 |
Greens Should Love Pesticides |
9jul99 |
Warming's Dirty Secret
dismissive of facts when they get in the way of theories" |
Myth of Scientific Consensus
Global Warming |
Isn't Easy Being Green |
Statistics |
Green Hysteria |
of Dihydrogen Monoxide |
Globaloney |
Five Reasons Why
The Science of Global Warming Is Nonsense |