Our nation's lack of
civility, dearth of morality,
and loss of purpose.
The evidence is exposed as well as the
forces at work fomenting this deterioration.
the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and
happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt." |
"For more
than 40 years, the heathen left have successfully executed a
systematic, step by step dismantlement of a structure of morals and
values carefully put in place to protect the history, heritage and
cultural identity of America." |
movement to achieve public acceptance of the radical homosexual agenda
is the most powerful attempt today to prepare the nation to acquiesce
in the abandonment of any notion of right and wrong." |
"In the
past, the expectation that people should do what is 'right' served as a
powerful impetus for people to do right things. It also discouraged
them from doing wrong things, while reinforcing moral and ethical
norms. Societal disapproval of certain behavior thought to be bad for
individuals and culture and its promotion of other behavior deemed to
be good for both was thought to be central to the promotion of the
general welfare." — Cal Thomas |
only guide to a man is his conscience; the only shield to his memory is
the rectitude and sincerity of his actions. It is very imprudent to
walk through life without this shield, because we are so often mocked
by the failure of our hopes and the upsetting of our calculations; but
with this shield, however the fates may play, we march always in the
ranks of honor." |
Theory Of Civilization |
4dec23 | Inside the Transgender Empire Christopher F. Rufo The sudden and pervasive rise of this movement provokes two questions: where did it come from, and how has it proved so successful? The story goes deeper than most Americans know. | |
21oct23 | The 10 Most Destructive Americans of My 8 Decades Frank Hawkins -- 29 July 2018 America has undergone enormous change during the nearly eight decades of my life. The once reasonably unbiased American media has evolved into a hysterical left wing mob. How could the stable and reasonably cohesive America of the 1950s have reached this point in just one lifetime? Who are the main culprits? Here’s my list of the 10 most destructive Americans of the last 80 years. | |
10dec22 | Seared Souls: How We Abuse Our Children Selwyn Duke Whether or not communist activist Willi Münzenberg (1889-1940) actually said “We will make the West so corrupt that it stinks,” he might as well have. It’s not just that adults now show children indecent images in sex education’s name, rubber stamp elementary school Satan clubs in deference to “religious freedom” and tell kids they can switch sexes just by willing it. It’s also what the “good” people fighting these abominations often do. | |
10nov21 | A Note to Sane People – 2021 Critical things to think about in 2021. I never dreamed that I would have to face the prospect of not living in the United States of America, at least not the one I have known all my life. I have never wished to live anywhere else. This is my home and I was privileged to be born here. But today I woke up, I realized that everything is changing and, unfortunately, for the worse. | |
9jul17 | How Do We Rediscover Our American Heritage? Start with the Declaration D. Hawthorne It’s sobering to consider the degree to which we have lost our knowledge of and connection to our American heritage. As a result, William B. Allen notes that we have been transitioning increasingly from a society of “independent yeomen” to a society of “wards of the state.” The challenge before us is to determine whether we can rediscover our heritage, and relearn the requirements for becoming good and free citizens while also reclaiming the sovereignty we have ceded to the state. | |
26oct14 | Pity Party Nation: Who Cares If
You're Offended? John Hawkins Since when did, "I'm offended," become an argument that trumps all facts, logic and common sense? When did regularly claiming to be aggrieved on behalf of some splinter of the population become a high paying gig? How did we get to a point in America where people are PROUD to tell you that they're "victims?" |
1jul10 | Rescuing Our Kids and Country from
Karl Marx Steve Farrell It bears repeating: If we hope to halt, reverse and permanently alter America’s descent into the gutter of debauchery and that political tyranny that is forever its companion – “education is the key.” |
26jul09 | Indulging Craziness James Lewis We have been taught to indulge craziness. It's supposed to show that we're "compassionate". Psychiatrists know this: If you let crazy folks set the rules, you have to get crazy right along with them. It doesn't matter if your client is crazy for good reasons. The cause doesn't matter one little bit. |
30may09 | American Capitalism Gone With a
Whimper Stanislav Mishin You know that you are in deep, deep trouble when those that have lived through the scourge of Communism report with alarm how quickly the United States has embraced Marxism! From the Russian News organ Pravda... |
19dec08 | The Shallowest Generation James Quinn The Baby Boom Generation will never be mistaken for the Greatest Generation that survived the Great Depression and defeated evil in a World War that killed 72 million people. I hate to tell you Boomers, but putting a yellow ribbon on the back of your $50,000 SUV is not sacrifice. |
20sep08 | The Drumbeat William Staneski It's the drumbeat of the left. It is political, philosophical, theological, and social. It pervades every activity... It denies the correctness of all that produced what our culture revered before the deconstruction of the world in accordance with the tenets of cultural Marxism. |
28jul07 | In the Heart of Freedom, in Chains Myron Magnet Elite hypocrisy, gangsta culture, and failure in black America |
6jul05 |
of The Republic - Part 2 Kim Weissman The questions remain: Is our freedom salvageable? Can this nation return to the self-governing constitutional republic that it was designed to be? The outcome of the contest between government tyranny and individual liberty is by no means clear. |
27jun05 |
of The Republic - Part 1 Kim Weissman We have arrived at a point in the life of our nation when we no longer have the ability to govern ourselves, or even to live our own lives by our own lights, as our Founders intended. |
4jun04 |
Why Gays Should Be Scout Leaders Rev. Austin Miles Are you aware that homosexuality is normal? Or that the only thing that is not normal is the boy scouts who do not want homosexuals to be scout masters? This premise occupied an hour of PBS TV, June 1, 2004. |
1may04 |
Coming Storm Fred Reed The elite can buy their way into safe neighborhoods and better schools. The economic middle class cannot. They resent paying for welfare, resent taking up the slack for workers who don't, and have no ideological attachment to diversity. |
19feb04 |
of Decency U.S. Senator Zell Miller "So, if I am asked why – with all the pressing problems this nation faces today – why am I pushing these social issues and taking the Senate's valuable time? I will answer: Because, it is of the highest importance. Yes, there's a deficit to be concerned about in this country, a deficit of decency." |
19feb04 |
Most Important Legislation In The Last Fifty Years Chuck Baldwin For the last fifty years, federal courts have run roughshod over the Constitution. For all practical purposes, America is now controlled by a tyrannical oligarchy of federal judges. |
7jan04 |
Renewed Mexican-American War Alan Caruba Little wonder the slogan of the Mexican Department of Tourism is “Mexico: Closer Than Ever.” If it was any closer, the minute you crossed the Mississippi, you’d be in Mexico! |
13nov03 |
We Not Give the Devil His Due? John W. Whitehead In this chaotic world filled with war, torture and terrorism, Lt. Gen. Boykin is like many others who see something supernatural working behind the scenes of everyday events. This supernatural something, they believe, is evil, and it corrupts virtually everything and everyone. |
2nov03 |
Rights Alan Caruba We now live increasingly in an era of government-enforced attitudes. What we think and believe is being policed as thoroughly, if not more, than our behavior. |
19sep03 |
Attack of the Aliens Tom DeWeese Why is the United States the only nation on earth that is not allowed to determine who lives here? When will our own elected officials begin to take the right action instead of throwing up their hands, saying illegal immigration is just part of our reality? |
4aug03 |
What Marriage Is For Maggie Gallagher Not all … marriage systems look like our own, which is rooted in a fusion of Greek, Roman, Jewish, and Christian culture. Yet everywhere, in isolated mountain valleys, parched deserts, jungle thickets, and broad plains, people have come up with some version of this thing called marriage. Why? |
5jun03 |
Definition of Marriage is Not the Equal of Heterosexual Marriage Wally Moran The entire notion of gay marriage is being presented using the facade that gays have unions similar to heterosexual marriage. That is very simply just not true. Gays themselves admit that fidelity is not an issue with them. |
18apr03 |
the Schools Marjorie King Gay activist groups, with teachers’ union applause, are importing a disturbing agenda into the nation’s public schools. |
2mar03 |
Are No Longer "Americans" Jim Robert I believe that if they [the Founders] were to come forth from history, they would cry at the weakness and stupidity of the citizenry, they would loath us for the deaths of their friends and family, who so valiantly died for our freedoms. |
28jan03 |
Demagoguery Kim Weissman If racial differences ever became an irrelevancy in this country, the majority of democrats would run screaming into the night in utter despair. Theirs is to divide, to exploit race and stoke the hatreds of racism for their own political gain. |
15oct02 | America
is Letting Evil Enter Through the Front Door Clay Rossi There is a fundamental truth about evil that we as a culture have forgotten. Traditional wisdom teaches that part of the nature of evil is to cry out that it is good, for who would choose evil over good but a fool or a coward? |
8sep02 | What's
Wrong With U.S.? The Scandal According To Paul... Paul E. Scates This is a democratic republic, and ‘we, the people´ is more than just a rhetorical phrase. We not only have the right and the ability to create our own future, but we have the responsibility to do so. |
16jun02 | Reflect
On Our Strengths Kim Weissman "One has a sense of a quickening of history, of a gathering of its forces, of things hurtling toward some unknown end." But our institutions do not make up the sum of, and increasingly do not fairly represent, the character of who and what we are as a nation. |
8may02 | California's
Davis And Eastin: "Out" To Change Your Kid’s Gender Patrick Mallon What you are about to read will not only shock you with disclosures forbidden in a marxian press in a marxian state, but may expose the writer to increased surveillance as the truths contained resemble the basis for "hate crime protections" targeted at anyone who does not subscribe to California´s lock-step campaign for homosexual equivalency. |
3may02 | Trouble
at the Cosmic Happy Hour Anthony C. LoBaido There seems to be only two kinds of people left in the world these days. Those who believe there are no problems, and those who believe there is no hope. |
7mar02 | Atrocities
Of Morality Deborah Venable Does any of the massive group of 'victims' in this country have any idea what goes on in most of the rest of the world right now? I hardly think so or they would not be trying so hard to make America over into a country that would easily fit in with barbaric regions on the rest of the globe. |
2feb02 | Why
is American Culture in Peril? Tibor Machan American individualism is a uniquely intellectual heritage, not so much one that people can just inherit and absorb vicariously. It has to be learned, understood, in order to become loyal to it. |
15jan02 | Enthralled
by Cultural Marxism Chuck Morse The destructive nature of the Frankfort school, founded in New York after it’s theoreticians fled there from Frankfort, Germany when Hitler came to power, is obvious from even a cursory examination of its primary texts. |
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10jan02 | Liberal-Bane
– The Real Truth About Christian Fundamentalism Paul E. Scates Because the foundation of Christian faith—i.e., the reality of G-d—puts it in direct opposition to ‘liberalism´ in all its forms, that faith must be denounced and defamed. Therein lies the simple truth of the ‘liberal´ assault on Christian Fundamentalism. |
19dec01 | It's
1984 in Massachusetts – And Big Brother Is Gay John Haskins The American public school system is awash in homosexual indoctrination and the perpetrators of this crusade cannot claim ignorance. Often the most outrageous of classroom materials, pamphlets, and books are forbidden to be taken home or anywhere out of the school lest they be seen by parents. |
16dec01 | Everything's
Changed Kim Weissman Hypocrites on the left in government and in the national media drape themselves in the Bill of Rights and declare that we will have lost the war if we allow our freedoms to be even temporarily diminished by the exigencies of battle. |
23nov01 | What Multiculturalism Hath Wrought Paul Craig Roberts Do you know that there are 15,000 Muslims serving in the U.S. armed forces? Are you aware that the U.S. military has Muslim Imams? |
22nov01 | Is
This Gay Behavior Sick? Henry Makow, Ph.D. Gays argue that same-sex behavior is no different than being left-handed. Heterosexual society and family are being ravaged. Our stupid, opportunistic and craven leaders have betrayed us. We don't even know we are at war. |
11nov01 | What
Might History Say of Us? Colonel Dan Here are some snippets of what this amateur thinks Americans could be reading in the year 2100 about the Americans of 2000—if recorded by honest historians and not 'politically correct' revisionists. |
8sep01 | Do
We Really Hate Our Children That Much? Chuck Baldwin Bible students often marveled how pagan cultures of antiquity could deliberately sacrifice their children to idols. Now, it seems easier to understand. The pursuit of hedonism and materialism has caused millions of Americans to sacrifice the hearts and minds of their own children. |
21aug01 | The
"New Moral Order" — Nihilism Part 2 Gerald L. Rowles, Ph.D. Pitting two goods against one another is one of the oldest bits of solipsism. |
14aug01 | The
"New Moral Order" — Nihilism Gerald L. Rowles, Ph.D. Nihilism is not merely a label for a certain kind of iconoclastic behavior. It was actually a historical movement of considerable significance in Russia 150 years ago. |
11aug01 | If A
Tree Falls On DHHS, Will They Hear It? Gerald L. Rowles, Ph.D. Does DHHS stand for "DUH!"? One has to wonder. The Washington Times reported August 5 that DHHS is still trying to figure out what causes child abuse, and how it can be relieved. |
27jul01 | Is
America Becoming a Superpower Sodom? Alan Caruba In America and in our daily lives, everything comes down to character and morality. Where neither counts for much, people begin to notice the outward signs. |
24jun01 | God and
the BSA v. The Sodomites Amid the heated religious and social campaigns to 'normalize' homosexuality, it takes real courage to do as God has commanded all of us as sinners — stand firm in our love for those who are afflicted with homosexuality, while refusing to embrace their sin. |
12may01 | Singer's
Bestial Ballad Princeton's DeCamp Professor in the University Center for Human Values, Peter Singer, is back, claiming that "mutually satisfying activities" (such as sex) with animals, should be OK. |
9may01 | Can
Western Civilization Survive? Wayne Carlson Those who foolishly believe that man can mold the human heart and construct a man-made utopia on earth invariably turn to political, social, and economic tyranny to coerce compliance. |
1may01 | U.S.
Schools are the Real Killers The fact of the matter is that most U.S. public schools today are intellectual and moral wastelands. The result is an explosive mixture of nihilism, narcissism, ignorance, and resentment. |
24apr01 | Teens, Self-Image and the Media Brent Bozell The innocence of youth is no longer an ideal to be cherished. It is the stuff of dreams for daydreamers. |
14apr01 | The H-E-Double-L You Say Bill Murchison There were once rules. For "mixed company" or "polite society," the rules mandated euphemisms: "heckfire," "manure," "confounded;" ... Such deliberately sly evasions, while making their point, preserved a sense of social decorum. |
11apr01 | Life
In General Linda Bowles Children must be conditioned, through gradual indoctrination, to reject the thought processes transmitted by their parents and churches, so they may be prepared for the new world social order. |
5apr01 | Litigation Against Kentucky Homeschooler
Continues The Kentucky judge who would rather break up a family than permit homeschooling says: "A public school teaches a child to be responsible. ... And it's training that a child cannot get in home school, cannot get. There's no way." |
2apr01 | The Soulless Society: Why Kids
Kill T. Landon Pepper Middle-class kids left to their own devices are every bit as dangerous as destitute youths involved in gang activity. The tower of Darwin, Nietzsche and Freud is fracturing one home at a time. |
17jul00 | Our
nation's heritage is under attack in our classrooms, so why doesn't anybody care? This attack has been mounted by an intellectual class based in the media and in America's politically correct educational institutions, whose inspiration is a set of discredited 19th-century dogmas masquerading as "progressive" nostrums. |
11jul00 | 9-headed
Caesar When the history of the rise and fall of America is finally written, it may well be recorded that the beginning of the end was signaled by the blind submission of a pagan people to the tyranny of a "nine-headed Caesar." |
14oct99 | The Creation Of Senseless
Violence, Psychiatric Drugs, And Kids Who Kill The rise in senseless violence in America is date coincident with the increased use of mind-altering drugs. |
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