The Media; Its Bias, Influence, and
Control of the National Debate

The 4th Estate

The 4th Estate

Here is a classic comeback to a reporterette's inane questioning "View and read everything with skepticism.
Remember that truth and information are not synonyms.
And do learn to think for yourself. There already are more than enough sheep in this world."
— Charley Reese
The truth about the media and its integrity.
The first cousin of Fake News is Ignored News.
This is also known as the Lie of Omission.
Ignored News happens when the liberal media suppresses – in part or in full – a story that's unfavorable to a favored politician (usually a Democrat), political operative, or politically active celebrity in the entertainment, educational or business venues.
Ignored News has no competition because it's, well, largely ignored. Or, if it's distributed, it's only "up" for a short time on a secondary news platform.
From the "Garbage in – Garbage out" Department...
according to a compilation of recent opinion surveys of "journalists," 86% don't attend a place of worship, 90% support the "choice" of killing of unborn children, 75% support homosexuality, 53% approve of adultery, 80% support so-called "affirmative action" programs, 56% believe the U.S. exploits "third world" countries, 80% have never voted for a Republican president – yet only 54% identify themselves as left-of-center. Go figure!
[reported in the 18 May 2001 Federalist]
"In my humble opinion, law schools teach students how to lie to one person at a time, while journalism schools teach students how to lie to everybody at once." — Norman Liebmann
"The lowest form of popular culture – lack of information, misinformation, disinformation, and a contempt for the truth or the reality of most people's lives – has overrun real journalism. Today, ordinary Americans are being stuffed with garbage."
— Carl Bernstein

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26Jan1969 Media Mistakes in the Trump Era
Sharyl Atkisson
We [the media] defend ourselves by trying to convince the public that our mistakes are actually a virtue because we (sometimes) correct them. Or we blame Trump for why we’re getting so much wrong. It’s a little bit like a police officer taking someone to jail for DUI, then driving home drunk himself: he may be correct to arrest the suspect, but he should certainly know better than to commit the same violation.
2jan18 The History of Fake News in the United States
Jarrett Stepman   
Intentionally misleading news has been around since before the invention of the printing press. In fact, our Founding Fathers grappled with this very issue when they created our system of government. They saw that while it was tempting to censor fake stories, ultimately the truth was more likely to be abused by an all-powerful government arbiter than the filter of unimpeded popular debate. Attempts to weed out factually incorrect news reports can quickly morph into fact-checking and manipulating differences in opinion.
6may12 The Structure and Elements of a Disinformation Campaign
Scott Swett
The Trayvon campaign is accurately described as "disinformation" because deception is a fundamental part of its planning, strategy, and implementation. Leftist disinformation campaigns are common but not widely understood. This article is intended to make them easier to recognize.
4mar06 News That Isn't
Ethics in journalism is increasingly being seen by many as an oxymoron yet what is perhaps most shocking is that lazy and biased "reporting" is neither new or rare. Here is brief eye-opener discussing blogs, broadcast and print reportage.
1jan05 In No Uncertain Terms
Edward L. Daley
Any good propagandist knows that it's not what you say, but how you say it that matters the most, and if the international press learned anything from Adolph Hitler's reign, it was how to use propaganda.
1sep04 The Fourth Estate is The Fifth Column
George M. Haddad
Today's Pulitzer Prize for excellence in journalism is named in honor of a man who had no scruples in reporting the news with any semblance of truth and who had set the bar so low that no industry of any repute could follow it with good conscience.
23feb04 Biased as a Dog’s Hind Leg
Justin Darr
The troubles at the New York Times and the growing popularity of Fox News should be a warning to the elitists in the Media. Stop insulting our intelligence and trying to manipulate our opinions or risk obsolescence.
29jul03 The Politics Of Paranoia
Kim Weissman
It has been observed that when leftists are out of power they become truly wacky – one might add, hysterical. But the danger posed by extremist left to this country is no laughing matter.
27may03 Dead End of Liberalism - Pt 2
Kim Weissman
The goal of any propaganda campaign is to induce listeners to believe a certain interpretation of facts and to adopt a particular world-view, with the ultimate objective of inducing action along the lines desired by the propagandist.
20may03 Dead End of Liberalism - Pt 1
Kim Weissman
Large swaths of the only sources of information for the overwhelming majority of people cannot be trusted – knowing how often they lie, how can we tell whether they’re telling the truth or just making it up?
16mar03 Journalists Are Not So Much Liberal
As They Are Just Plain Stupid!

Perry Drake
Ironically, as stupid as they are, they're too stupid to know that their sheer stupidity makes them too stupid to fulfill what they consider to be their most sacred mission – to tell the truth (parse that last sentence). Now that's just stupid.
15jan03 TV Network's Malfunctioning News
Alan Caruba
Any business that had lost nearly a third of its customers would be out of business or close to it. Those running it would seriously restructure their product or the provision of their service.
30oct02 Do we need Warning Labels for
Lies in the Libraries?

Linda Gorman
Thanks to the politicization of swaths of American scholarship, readers searching for truth on today's library shelves will likely find them mined with deliberate falsehoods.
5may02 Fawning Critics Don't Say
Book Was Fraud
Prof. Glenn Harlan Reynolds
One would think that book review editors and publishers would feel an obligation to tell the public that it has been led astray, with their unwitting assistance.
14apr02 Only Propaganda
Kim Weissman
The media have become ideologically driven censors marching in lockstep with each other to control the information we receive, and thereby control the judgments and the decisions we make on the basis of that information.
3feb02 A Test of Media Objectivity
Kim Weissman
By a curious confluence of events, entailing the bankruptcy of two major corporations, the mainstream media now has the opportunity to prove their objectivity. The corporations in question are Enron and Global Crossing.
20jan02 The Op-Ed's Hidden Agenda
Prof. Glenn Harlan Reynolds
While they continue to claim that liberal bias is a myth, an amazing amount of what traditional media groups do comes straight from the fax machines of left-leaning advocacy groups.
11nov01 SEDITION
Kim Weissman
While the media pretends that absolute neutrality makes them morally superior to those who actually retain the ability to distinguish right from wrong, such pretensions call into question, not their neutrality, but their contact with reality.
11oct01 "Arming America" Book Fraud
Exposes Lie of Honest Media
This raises an interesting question about the claim that mainstream, traditional media organizations always make in defense of their importance: that they are careful and responsible, while alternative media and the Internet are not.
11sep01 Shocking Numbers, But Do They Add Up?
John Lott
Is a liberal media bias to blame for inexact reporting? Partly, perhaps. What becomes news is what fits the conventional wisdom of reporters and their editors, and that "wisdom" can shift as perceptions do.
25jul01 Television — Tool of the Left
Charles A. Morse
A cardinal goal of the left is what was referred to in the Communist Manifesto as "public ownership of the means of communication." TV represents the penultimate means of communication in our times.
4may01 A Liberal Boss for Liberal PBS
Phil Brennan
Public Broadcasting System has a new boss, and the head of the tax-funded network is a perfect choice for the left-leaning network – she's a certified member of America's ultra-liberal elite.
27mar01 Humorless at Harvard
Michelle Malkin
"I was disappointed by the apologies," Fong said. Welcome to the craven and politically expedient world of 21st century journalism, kid.
21mar01 Heston Blasts P.C. Media
as Threat to Freedom
Media "pretends" that freedom is not threatened by a "dumbing down" that is known as "political correctness." "Freedom of the press is great," the longtime actor said, "but it requires honest people."
30jan01 Media Slant Changing On Gun Issues
Perhaps they have finally realized that a mountain of evidence shows the futility and counterproductive results of gun control laws.
13jan01 Soft News Erodes Audience
Weakening the foundation of democracy
11jan01 Lest They Forget...
As the media toast to the Clinton years commences, we must remind them why the informed opposition will demur from clinking glasses. Here are twenty-five good reasons, at least half of which could not only have gotten a Republican impeached but also convicted...
9jan01 Media Desperately Pursues Liberal Agenda
What's needed now is for everyone to more closely examine the politics of these news organizations because it so colors the content of what they report as to often render it useless as news, fairly and accurately reported.
1dec00 WSJ: An Open Letter to Democrats
Dennis Prager
This time, you've gone too far.
But who
aided the
1dec00 Deconstructing Certification
Brent Bozell
That incredible echo you hear on network TV news these days is the sound of network anchors deep in the tank for Al Gore.
13nov00 Stop The Media's Vote Tampering!
Dan Frisa
We must have a Free and Fair Elections Act. If there was ever any doubt about a left-wing conspiracy in the mainstream media, election night convincingly proved it’s for real.
12nov00 Networks Stole Bush's Popular Vote
Barry Farber
Of one thing there can be no doubt. If the networks had not handed Florida to Gore so early in the evening, Bush's popular vote would right now be larger than Gore's.
15oct00 Unbiased Media
The true face of the media – and its routine abuse of its precious Constitutional protection – will be revealed for even the most obstinate to see.
1sep00 'Useful Idiots'
Thomas Sowell
Lenin is supposed to have referred to blind defenders and apologists for the Soviet Union in the Western democracies as "useful idiots."
14may00 Read All About It:
Press is Failing in its Duty
to Keep America Free
"If I had to identify one thing that is the biggest threat to America continuing as a free society, I would have to say it's my colleagues and I – the press. We are failing in our duty." – William Randolph Hearst
4may00 Monster Media, Monster Government:
How to Fight Back
We have no more freedom in today's press than any country with a network of power elites who scratch each other's backs and call the shots.
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30mar00 Elitist Media Out of Touch
with American Society
Study of 3,400 journalists reveals, "a very clear picture of people who live lives differently than their customers."
30mar00 Media Power
They can and do control what you think about and what you don't think about.
19mar00 Scare Tactics And Demagoguery
The problem is a morally dead liberal ideology that thinks legislation can take the place of a conscience.
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22feb00 How the Media Flubbed Up Down South
"[The news] remains in the hands of largely incompetent people who purport to be journalists, yet have never been taught how to report politics – let alone to comprehend what politics is actually about."
19feb00 Polling Pravda!
If the media reports it, it must be "pravda" — "truth."
6feb00 Freedom from the Press
"Gaudy examples of this are Margaret Carlson and Eleanor Clift, exponents of lobotomy journalism, who command no respect, and so they settle for visibility."
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31dec99 A Year Of Ugly Liberal Slurs
by Jeff Jacoby
13dec99 Ecological Confabulation
How The Media Create Consensus With Lies
15sep99 Waco and the fourth estate
18aug99 Television News: Information or Infotainment?
18aug99 The Evolution - and Devolution - of Journalistic Ethics
10aug99 Playing Verbal Tricks
3aug99 Under The Guise of Reporting
11jul99 Bad News for the Media
29jul99 Keeper of the Secret?
21jul99 Media Out of Control
21jul99 Liberal Dogma Biting Gun Owners
21jul99 Too Many Aren't Paying Attention
21jul99 Journalists' Green Hysteria
21jul99 Importance of Talk Radio
21jul99 Liberalspeak


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